American Wire is a daily independent news service dedicated to bringing our readers accurate, reliable news, commentary, analysis, video content and information from a conservative perspective.
Our factual reporting is often followed by context and public reaction to the most current news stories. Content that offers commentary on the factual news is labeled “News/Commentary.” While we do not hide our Independent and Conservative values, we never skew the facts. We endeavor to present every story in the most complete and accurate way available to us via our sources.
AW News is part of the publishing division owned by Starboard, formerly Olympic Media a digital advertising and fundraising company. It is managed independently by Michele Kirk and the same experienced editorial team which has successfully built BizPacReview into a trusted conservative brand over the course of a decade.
Editorial decisions are made completely independent of the parent company and content is not guided by any aspects outside of publishing. If a specific conflict were to arise, American Wire News would disclose the nature of its relationship with any client or organization. Client information from the parent company is not shared with the publishing arm and does not present a direct conflict of interest.
American Wire generates revenue through display advertising on the website and email list.
Quickly becoming the go-to destination for people seeking trustworthy, consistent political content, American Wire provides show prep to famous radio show hosts and podcasters as well as to everyday Americans.
We supply the most important political stories in a powerful twice-daily newsletter to influential conservatives, including Bo Snerdley and an army of Rush Limbaugh fans.
We scour the internet to find what’s important to Conservatives. American Wire covers not just the news, but how fellow Americans and people around the world react to the news of the day. We think the truth is much more powerful and convincing than shutting down voices and managing the message the political parties want you to hear.
We will continue to find and publish timely press releases, compelling opinion pieces and news that lets you feel the pulse of today’s political landscape.
At American Wire, we don’t try to tell you what to think. We want to provide you with relevant information about the day’s most pressing political issues so you can make up your own mind.
The Founders of our country envisioned a press free from government and outside influences and control, to keep citizens informed so they could make informed choices. American Wire seeks to fulfill that vision.
Contact address:
RPC Industries
108 S Washington St. Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
Corrections Policy:
American Wire endeavors to get every fact correct before publishing a story. In the event that we publish information that is incorrect or has changed in the course of time, we make every effort to correct the error as soon as we are made aware of it. News stories that evolve are handled by writing follow-up articles that reflect current news and events. Please contact writers@bizpacreview for corrections.