James Carville latest Dem to nudge Biden out the door: ‘Somebody better wake the f**k up’

Democrat political consultant James Carville has suggested that President Joe Biden is destined to lose the 2024 presidential election because of his age.

Appearing this week on liberal comedian Bill Maher’s podcast, he seemed to say that betting on a victory by former President Donald Trump would be a surefire bet.

“Let’s assume the election was Nov. 3rd of this year and the candidates are Joe Biden, the Democrat, Donald Trump, Republican, Joe Manchin and Larry Hogan, no labels, and Cornel West. Trump would be a betting favorite,” he said.

“If I told you I would give you even money, you would not take that bet. All right. And so somebody better wake the f–k up,” he added.


Maher concurred. In a lengthy reply, he said that while he — as a wealthy elite — personally thinks Biden is the tops, most Americans think otherwise.

“I think we’re on the same page with Biden. [He] did a great service in 2020. Maybe he was the only one who could have beaten Trump. I think now he’s the only one who will lose to him. He did great, not just because he beat Trump. A lot of stuff he did.  Afghanistan, Ukraine he handled right. Everybody else’s economy is worse than ours after the pandemic. But he will lose. Because at some point, perception becomes reality,” he said.

“And look, do I think he can do the job? Absolutely. Government as you well know better than everybody is done in small rooms like the Oval Office where people are talking quietly and decisions are made. I think he can still do that fine. He cannot run for president. He’ll look bad in the debates. It’s just too much. And he’s, I think, going to lose. He will be Ruth Bader Biden, the Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the presidency. It’s not a good look, and any 50-ish, not-stupid woke Democrat with a D by their name — people just vote D or R — that person can win,”  he added.

The relevant segment concluded with Carville arguing that Democrats need someone significantly younger to run against Trump.

If we had somebody under 60 and ran against Trump, we would get 55 percent. I don’t like when people take one poll and you extrapolate too much of it, but I’ve seen the last eight polls, and they’re all the same: 73 to 77 percent  of the country does not want Biden to run again. I’m just going to round that to 75 percent. That’s a big f–king number, man,”  he said.

“That’s a big number. It’s a very big number for something this crucial. It’s ridiculous,” Maher replied, concurring with him.

During another segment of the interview, Carville tore into the radicalized “progressive” wing of the Democrat Party.

“I find the left to be just annoying. The western far left is habitually the most stupid, naïve people you can imagine. They come up with these really goofy constructs and it’s all about feeling good about yourself,” he said.

He also slammed their embrace of “wokeness.”

“What happened is overeducated, coastal white people got ahold of the word and [like] they do with everything else, they completely f–ked it up and pissed everybody in the country off. If we could just get the humanities faculty at Amherst [College] to shut the f–k up, we’d be a lot better off,” he said.

Maher responded by noting that Trump’s popularity appears to be rising among minorities. Carville theorized this is because of the superiority complex so many leftists boast.

“There is a certain coastal arrogance in this country, and people feel it. You got all these preachy people telling you what you should do,” he said.

However, he then turned around and exhibited that very same superiority complex by accusing Trump supporters of being racist.

“Not all Trump people are racists, but all racists are Trump people,” he said.

Despite Carville and Maher making some valid points, both subsequently faced criticism on Twitter over all that they did get wrong:

Vivek Saxena


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