The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg may regret marking Memorial Day by regurgitating debunked Trump hit

The Trump-hating liberal media is so committed to their politically-motivated narratives trashing the former president that some will regurgitate old campaigns that have since been debunked and proven to be little more than fake news.

Take The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, for example, who saw fit to mark Memorial Day by attacking Trump with a hit piece he wrote in September 2020 claiming the then-commander in chief trashed Americans who died in service to their country by calling them “losers” and “suckers” — this being an early Goldberg electioneering effort on behalf of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

Linking to the article, Goldberg tweeted: “A reminder that on Memorial Day, 2017, Donald Trump and John Kelly, his chief of staff, visited the Arlington National Cemetery grave of Kelly’s son, a fallen Marine officer. Trump turned to Kelly and said, ‘I don’t get it. What was in it for them?'”

He also claimed in the article that Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, telling senior staff members, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”

On face value alone, the story doesn’t hold water given Trump’s demonstrated respect for America’s warriors serving in the U.S. military, but in addition to failing the smell test it was also debunked in a number of ways, as The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway noted below:

Par for the course, given that Goldberg is a Kool-Aid drinking liberal, his regurgitated disinformation stands unmolested on Twitter, with no warnings or restrictions from the Orwellian fact-checkers who await their demise once Elon Musk takes the wheel — assuming the stalled deal goes through.

Turns out, Goldberg was not alone in exploiting a day set aside for the solemn remembrance of those who paid the ultimate price to attack Trump. Blue-check lawyer Daniel Goldman, the House Democrats’ lead counsel for the failed impeachment of the former president chose a similar path and got slammed.

Social media users had some thoughts on Goldberg’s trickery… here’s a quick sampling of responses to the story from Twitter:

Tom Tillison


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