Four thugs rob man then return the next day for more; half of them leave in body bags

Four thugs thought an Indiana man was an easy target and decided to rob him twice in two days. Unfortunately for them, it only took one time for the homeowner to learn his lesson.

The unnamed man awoke around 6 a.m. Sunday morning to his dogs barking, and three people breaking into his home, according to WXIN-TV. They were armed and held him at gunpoint as they removed belongings from his house. Then they started to demand money, but he reminded them that they had just robbed him the day before, and had taken all of his money then. At that point, they allegedly demanded a check for $500.

At one point, the victim was able to retrieve his shotgun, and reportedly shot two of the suspected burglars, Rameica Lasharon Moore, 36, and Dylan Scott Morefield, 22, dead. He held the other two, Tabitha L. Johnson, 42, and Shaun T. Kruse, 42, at gunpoint until the police could arrive. Kruse was reportedly outside the home and when the homeowner found him, he ordered him to dial 911. The homeowner said that his house phone had been destroyed, other cell phones in his possession were stolen and he could not call the police on his own.

The homeowner hasn’t been charged, and an investigation is ongoing.

This may have been a case of “no good deed goes unpunished.”

The man explained how Johnson had been asking him for $3,000 to pay off some “bad guys” whom she said believed she had stolen from them, and how he had allowed her to stay with him a few times over the last decade. The group was only able to make off with the $65 he had in his wallet.

According to WPTA-TV, Kruse admitted to driving the group over to the house that Saturday, and after only being able to secure the paltry amount of money from him, discussed when and how to go back to the home.

Reportedly, Kruse was to act as the getaway driver, though Johnson claims the group only went to the house to get items that belong to her. They are both facing murder charges for the deaths of the other two, as well as breaking and entering.

“A person may be charged with murder in Indiana if a death takes place while they are committing a felony, even if the individual does not directly take another life,” WPTA reported.

Sierra Marlee


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