‘It MUST be satire!’ New ‘woke activism’ video is so outlandish that even Twitter can’t figure it out!

Is it or is not satire — that is the question on everybody’s mind.

On Twitter this past Thursday, an absurd sketch video showing a blatantly racist white woman harassing two black boys playing basketball in her neighborhood went viral.

The video was over the top for a couple of reasons: The woman called the boys “monkeys,” carried a whip and tried to literally whip them.

Obviously, nothing like that occurs in real life, meaning the video must have been a comedy sketch, right?

Watch, and decide for yourself:

Surely, this is satire, right? Plenty of viewers certainly believe so.


The problem is that the video traces back to “Generation Hope,” a group that purports to be in the business of “providing life lessons and inspiration with the goal of making the world a better place.”

Moreover, over on the group’s YouTube page, the comments are serious, with people praising the group for their “inspirational” and “touching” stories.

Yet their other stories are as absurd as the one that went viral:

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  • “Drunk Dad ATTACKS His 8 Year Old GENIUS Kid, What Happens Next Is Shocking”
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  • “Evil Babysitter DROWNS KID in Pool!! Leaves HIM For Dead!!!!”
  • “Evil Son Demands Playstation 5 From Broke Mom, What Happens Next Is Shocking”


So which is it — are these videos hilariously made satire, or are they for real?

Some of the evidence suggests, amazingly enough, that they’re 100 percent real content produced by “woke” zealots who think the world really functions like this.

The evidence includes the ending of the first clip up top.


“It’s important to treat everyone with respect and kindness. But it’s OK to stand up for yourself when someone treats you bad, even if it’s scary. Because when you stand up for yourself, you’ll be able to stand up for others that are also in need. I hope you enjoyed today’s lesson on courage,” two of the actors say in the clip.

“Make sure to share this with your friends and family so they can also learn this message on courage. Like this video and subscribe to the channel to see more videos like this. And remember, here at Generation Hope, we’re trying to make the world a better place one story at a time.”

That didn’t sound jokey-jokey at all.

Based on this evidence, some critics believe these videos are essentially “woke porn” produced for leftists by leftists.

But other critics say not so fast.

They point to a page on Generation Hope’s website where the group promises to “run world class video marketing campaigns” for partner companies.

They also note that many of the group’s videos make references to certain mobile video games:

Plus, and most importantly, some of the videos are fantastical in nature, in that they depict things that couldn’t actually happen in real life:

But again, the comments on the group’s videos are pretty serious, so who knows what’s really going on …

Vivek Saxena


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