Email: Hunter Biden calls Obama strategist Axelrod a ‘giant a–hole’ for discouraging a Biden 2016 run

In a 2015 three-way email exchange between Hunter Biden, longtime business partner Eric Schwerin, and then-Vice President Joe Biden’s deputy counsel Alexander Mackler, the first son called former President Barack Obama’s chief strategist, David Axelrod, a “giant a–hole” for allegedly telling his dad not to run for president in 2016.

Hunter Biden shared a tweet from Axelrod that stated, that the 2016 election was “still [Hillary Clinton’s] to lose, despite new polls.”

“But it’s hard to inspire w/grinding, tactical race,” Axelrod added. “‘Hillary: Live With It’ is no rallying cry!”

Fox News Digital obtained the September 13, 2015 email exchange, in which Mackler responded that Axelrod “can take a flying leap.”

“At the risk of being told for the second time this week that I need therapy…” Mackler replied. “This guy can take a flying leap. Cannot wait till he comes back to [Joe Biden] in a couple months and tells him it’s time to run, after being the patronizing, self-appointed kingmaker earlier this year and telling him not to run (and then talking about the meeting all over TV).”

“He is a giant a–hole,” Hunter replied plainly.

Just a month after the email exchange, Biden stood in the White House Rose Garden and told the press that he believed the window for the announcement of a potential presidential run had “closed.”

“Unfortunately, I believe we’re out of time, the time necessary to mount a winning campaign for the nomination,” Biden said in October 2015. “But while I will not be a candidate, I will not be silent.”

Less than two years later, in a 2017 exchange, the trio were dissing Axelrod again, this time in response to a Washington Free Beacon headline that read, “Axelrod Rips Clinton for Election Excuses: ‘It Takes a Lot of Work to Lose to Donald Trump.”

“Do you think he should have thought about this before he backed her to the exclusion of others?!?” Schwerin asked.

“I’m old enough to remember when he took a whole afternoon of [Joe Biden’s] time in the West Wing, arguing that he needed to get out of [Hillary Clinton’s] way because she was the better candidate and would win,” Mackler shot back.

During a Jan. 2015 call with top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, Axelrod, a CNN senior political commentator, pledged “100 percent” support for Hillary Clinton, an email sent from Abedin to other Clinton operatives revealed. But following the infamous 2016 Wikileaks emails, Clinton staffers were characterizing Axelrod’s criticism of HRC as a “headache,” according to Fox News Digital.

And, the outlet claims, this isn’t the first time the Biden-Mackler-Schwerin trio has dished about fellow Democrats.

“The day after Bill Clinton appeared to blame Joe Biden in 2015 for the tougher sentencing provisions in the 1994 crime bill, Schwerin sent the clip to Hunter and Mackler, prompting Hunter to call him ‘an a–hole,'” Fox News Digital reports.

“And God he looks like s–t,” Hunter commented at the time.

The chatty trio also took aim at former Senior Advisor and Counsel for Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills following a Washington Post headline in late 2015, shared by Schwerin, that read, “While at State, Clinton chief of staff held job negotiating with Abu Dhabi.”

“For f—‘s sake,” Mackler responded. “This is incredible. It never ends.”

“Truly absurd,” Hunter Biden replied. “If this is acceptable then would it also have been acceptable for Ron Klain to remain general counsel of Revolution while acting as COS for the VP?”

Neither Axelrod, Hunter Biden’s attorney, nor Mackler reportedly responded to Fox News Digital’s requests for comments.

Melissa Fine


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