As pro-abortion groups call for activists to descend on churches this Mother’s Day in protest of a leaked Supreme Court opinion draft that indicates SCOTUS could reverse its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, “horrified” faith leaders are expressing their resolve to fight for unborn lives and are calling for parishioners to remain calm and pray.
“As one of the first people to arrive at the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday evening after news of the leak broke, I witnessed firsthand the venom and disdain for life embodied within the pro-abortion advocates present there,” Pastor Lucas Miles of Nfluence Church in Granger, Indiana, told Fox News Digital.
“While I support everyone’s right to peaceful protest, I’m horrified by reports of violence and intimidation toward Christians over the court’s potential decision to overturn Roe v. Wade,” Pastor Miles said. “Vandalizing churches, blocking houses of worship or terrorizing individuals on their way to worship is reprehensible, and anyone who participates in behavior like this should be punished to the full extent of the law.”
As reported in BizPac Review, the pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us took to Twitter on Friday and publicly called for activists to descend upon churches on Sunday and disrupt services as worshipers gather and celebrate Mother’s Day.
“Whether you’re a ‘Catholic for Choice,’ ex-Catholic, of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe,” the organization stated. “Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sun May 8.”
Rise Up 4 Abortion, another militant pro-abortion group, has planned a “week of action” starting on Mother’s Day, calling for “Actions Outside of Churches.”
Already, protesters vandalized the Sacred Heart of Mary Church in Boulder, CO, on Tuesday, damaging statues, smashing a window, and scrawling “My Body My Choice” on a church door and “Keep Your Religion Off Our Bodies” on an exterior wall.
But church leaders remain undeterred and vow to fight for freedom of religion.
“One of the greatest freedoms in America is the freedom of religion and our right to gather freely in worship,” Pastor Miles said. “As a Christian and pastor, I will not be persuaded to abandon the fight for the innocent lives of the unborn — nor to recant my faith in Christ.”
“I pray for my fellow pastors and church leaders around this country to stand strong and to not be intimidated, nor disheartened by these acts,” the pastor added.
“I’m not sure what will happen across America if the pro-abortion folks show up at Christian churches,” said Judge Phil Ginn, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. “However, I can tell you what should happen.”
“If they come to my church respectfully, they will be welcomed and treated with commensurate respect,” Ginn said. “Who knows — they might actually hear the truth, which has the capacity to change their lives for eternity.”
But, cautioned Ginn, “all who would stand in contempt and disruption of God should realize that they aren’t the first ones to try to stifle the good news of the Gospel. Ultimately, God has promised that His word will not return void — and that the gates of Hell will not prevail against his church.”
“There is a court of much higher jurisdiction than SCOTUS,” Judge Ginn stated. “For repentant sinners, it offers eternal life through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For defiant, unrepentant sinners, there is a fate much worse than death on this earth.”
Judge Ginn urged would-be protestors to “please choose wisely — and choose life here and in eternity.”
“To protest on a day that is set aside to celebrate the beauty of motherhood reveals the utter brokenness and irony of pro-abortion activism,” said Bethany Bomberger, who, with her husband, Ryan Bomberger, co-founded The Radiance Foundation, a Virginia, faith-based nonprofit. “They can only have their voices heard because their mothers didn’t abort them.”
On social media, videos of clashes between activists and churchgoers are already going viral.
On Saturday, a pro-abortion activist group, the New York City for Abortion Rights, gathered in front of the Basilica of Old St. Patrick, with one unhinged woman waving baby dolls hanging from pink material and screaming, “I’m killing the babies! I’m killing the motherf—ing babies!”
Behind her, a group of Catholic men stood shoulder to shoulder, rosaries in hand, calmly reciting Hail Mary, a traditional prayer to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Catholic men:
— Dr Taylor Marshall™️ (@TaylorRMarshall) May 7, 2022
“Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee,” goes the prayer. “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of they womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.”
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