Fox News draws a stunning 73 percent of cable news viewers since election

Fox News has been crushing the so-called competition since November’s election, drawing nearly three out of every four primetime cable news viewers.

That’s according to Nielsen Media Research, which noted that Fox News captured 73% of prime-time viewers of cable news from Nov. 6 through Dec. 4. More importantly, the network drew 72% of viewers between the ages of 25 and 54.

While Fox News is up by 16% with nearly 2.8 million viewers, and up 18% with viewers in the key 25 through 54 age bracket, CNN and MSNBC have sunk so low since the election that it’s a wonder how the networks remain afloat.

As seen in the numbers below from Nov. 25, CNN and MSNBC are but a blip on the chart:

“[R]ival network CNN lost almost half of its prime-time viewers with 410,000 following the election and only received 81,000 from the age bracket,” the Washington Examiner reported. “Likewise, MSNBC’s viewership also decreased, going down 53% with 621,000 viewers and 61% of viewers ages 25 through 54, totaling 57,000.”

Citing MSNBC’s Morning Joe show, the newspaper said its viewership has declined by 18% since co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski met with President-elect Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago, but even worse the network as a whole decreased 49% after the co-hosts announced that they kissed the Trump ring.

It’s almost as if the depressed left has tuned out entirely since Donald Trump thoroughly defeated failed Democratic replacement nominee Kamala Harris, who may go down in history as the worst presidential candidate from a major political party in modern U.S. history, and that includes Walter Mondale.

Here’s a quick sampling of responses to the story, as seen on the social media platform X:

Tom Tillison


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