Libs go full attack on Supremes, call SCOTUS ‘illegitimate,’ Chief Justice Roberts a ‘villain’

Al Franken has apparently decided enough time has passed since he stepped down as a U.S. senator due to a number of women accusing him of groping or forcibly kissing them, as he is suddenly feeling rather chirpy about politics again.

Now that podcasts are all the rage, Franken has his own and he went after the Supreme Court on Monday during a discussion with Washington Post political correspondent Dan Balz, calling the high court “illegitimates” and labeling Chief Justice John Roberts a “villain.”

“The court is a very divisive entity now — institution right now. And the Supreme Court, to me, is illegitimate,” Franken said.

Somewhat fittingly, the comedian and failed Democratic politician zeroed in on the seating of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who was nominated by former President Donald Trump, as well as GOP-led Senate at the time refusing to take up Obama nominee Merrick Garland to make his point. Franken also cited the Supreme Court’s decision last summer to overturn Roe v. Wade and send the issue of abortion back to the states.

“The way they didn’t take up [Obama nominee Merrick] Garland and on saying, ‘It’s an election year,’ and then they, of course, put in Coney Barrett like eight days before the election. Then, of course, Dobbs and abortion,” he said.

There appears to be an active campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court underway — as noted below — and Franken is doing his part to show the powers that be that he is a reliable foot soldier and should be fully accepted back into the fold.


NBC News also reported late week that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin called on Chief Justice Roberts to answer questions about ethical standards — aided and abetted by the media, of course.

Roberts declined, “Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by the Chief Justice of the United States is exceedingly rare, as one might expect in light of the separation of powers concerns and the importance of preserving judicial independence.”

“I think the Chief Justice is actually much more culpable for this division than people think,” Franken said. “I think Roberts is much more the villain in this than people give him credit for.”

While Balz wasn’t quite ready to throw Roberts under the bus — the increasingly liberal chief justice can sometimes be helpful to the left — he agreed that the court has “lost credibility” and is “seen increasingly as one more partisan institution.”

While the assertion is largely a media creation, the court would be the only institution in DC that is partisan toward the right, IF true.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley found Roberts to be a “curious target.”

“Roberts is a curious target for the left given his repeated votes with the left of the Court in major cases,” he wrote on his website. “He is the ultimate institutionalist who has a well-known aversion to the Court intervening into politically sensitive areas. Yet, he is also a conscientious jurist who will vote to do what is constitutionally right rather than what is politically popular.”

Social media users recall a certain election in Minnesota having legitimacy concerns… here’s a quick sampling of responses to the story from Twitter:

Tom Tillison


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