Meteorologist rips MSNBC for using ‘complete fraud’ Bill Nye to stoke climate hysteria

Meteorologist and climate expert Dr. Ryan Maue blasted so-called “Science Guy” Bill Nye as a “complete fraud” for stoking climate hysteria.

MSNBC rolled Nye out to comment on tropical storm Hilary, the first to hit Southern California in 84 years, and he met expectations when he claimed extreme weather events are “connected because the world is getting warmer, and most of that heat ends up in the ocean… what enables a hurricane or cyclonic storm is heat.”

“It’s very difficult to tie any specific weather event to climate change, but if you like to worry about things, this is a great time,” Nye warned.

“We have this huge heat dome with extraordinary humidity in the southern U.S., we have these very high winds in Hawaii, and then we have this enormous rainstorm that came through here, I live in Los Angeles,” he continued. “This may be the beginning of things. And people like to throw around the expression ‘new normal.’ Well, it’s not going to be normal. It’s just going to get worse and worse. Probably.”

Taking to Twitter, Maue responded to MSNBC’s report: “You know it’s serious extreme weather when MSNBC rolls out Bill Nye to drop some science knowledge on their viewers. He doesn’t disappoint with a truly bizarre explanation for Hurricane Hilary. Bill Nye is a complete fraud.”

In another tweet, the climate expert linked to a February 2013 article by Washington Post meteorologist Jason Samenow condemning MSNBC for bringing Nye on to discuss weather events.

“Why MSNBC turned to Nye for weather wisdom is head scratching, considering it has access to a stable of competent meteorologists at the Weather Channel,” Samenow wrote in the piece. “Nye has created some wonderful science educational programs for children, but a weather expert he is not.”

And a decade later, Nye has only gotten “dumber,” according to Maue: “In more than 10 years of providing extreme weather and climate change commentary on television, Bill Nye has only managed to become dumber on every topic. His statements are nonsensical, head-scratching, absurd, and profoundly wrong.”

Here’s a quick sampling of responses to the story, as seen on X:

Tom Tillison


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