(Video: Fox News)
Tucker Carlson took aim at America’s public health institution and hinted that “Midget King” Dr. Anthony Fauci’s on-again/off-again pandemic claims may have more to do with Title 42 and the upcoming midterm elections than with the actual spread of COVID-19.
“It’s depressing to say it out loud but it’s true, there’s probably never been an institution in this country more thoroughly discredited than the field of, quote, ‘public health’ is right now,” said Carlson in the opening segment of Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Wednesday night.
“At this point, it’s almost impossible to take any of these people seriously, and that is not a good thing, it’s a bad thing,” Carlson continued. “We need credible public health authorities but we don’t have them.”
Carlson pointed to an interview with Fauci on Tuesday, in which Fauci stated unequivocally, that the U.S. was “out of the pandemic phase” of COVID-19, and declared the pandemic over.
He then played a clip of another Fauci interview — this one from just last week — in which Fauci claimed the pandemic wasn’t over at all.
“Following this?” Carlson asked his viewers. “So, yesterday it was over, today it’s back on.”
“That’s America’s public health establishment,” Carlson said. “Making it up as they go along and yelling at you ceaselessly as they do, and as they have for years.”
Carlson reminded viewers of comments last December from President Joe Biden, who warned unvaccinated Americans that they were about to face a winter of “severe illness and death.”
“Five months later, you look around and, honesty it’s hard to find a single pile of corpses in the street,” said Carlson. “What you see are a lot of perfectly healthy people who did not take the shot. And at the same time, you notice there are an awful lot of vaccinated people who died of COVID.”
“But what does that mean?” asked Carlson.
Dr. Fauci declares we are ‘out of the pandemic phase,’ STILL plugging vaccines https://t.co/071bi1wjrw pic.twitter.com/K6s4LeIE7V
— BPR (@BIZPACReview) April 27, 2022
“Well, it’s not a scientific study, but we can be certain there was a lot of lying going on,” Carlson said, adding that the “overstatement” actually “crossed the line into deception,” and, according to Fauci in 2020, it was deliberate.
“Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goalposts, as scientists do,” Carlson said. “He’s doing so, he said, partly based on new science and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he thinks.”
“Again, that was in 2020,” Carlson continued, “and we let this guy have full control of our purported democracy up until now, when he is telling us one day there is a pandemic, in the next day there isn’t, and the next day there is. He didn’t think we are ready to hear what he really thinks.”
Fauci, Carlson noted, has many D.C. fans.
“You drive through Washington, D.C., the affluent areas in Northwest D.C.,” Carlson said, “All these signs: ‘We love you Dr. Fauci; We worship you; You’re our Midget King!”
“Okay, so why is he changing his tune now,” Carlson asked.
It may, suggested Carlson, have something to do with the upcoming midterm elections and the unpopularity among most Americans of mask mandates and lockdowns, and that, says Carlson, puts Fauci in a quandary with adoring Dems.
“If we declare that the pandemic is actually over,” said Carlson, “then we can’t really justify keeping Title 42.”
And that, according to the Fox News host, may explain Fauci’s back and forth on the status of the pandemic.
As Carlson explained, Title 42 allows the United States to turn away migrants at the Southern border with Mexico based on an ongoing health emergency, and many believe that, when Title 42 is eventually lifted because the pandemic crisis has passed, the U.S. will see a fresh wave of migrants come across the border — too many, he noted, to hide from the American people.
According to Carlson, America has seen “the largest wave of human migration into our country without authorization ever in our history, but you probably didn’t notice because it happened in drips and drabs every single day and then these people were put on planes and flown to Westchester, and you didn’t see it, so you will tolerate it.”
“But, if they drop Title 42, you’re going to get a human wave,” Carlson said, adding that it won’t be coming from just Mexico or El Salvador, but “from the rest of the world.”
“And if that were to happen,” he continued, “the Democrats would be in even deeper trouble than they already are. It would probably end their majority in the Senate, because unrestricted migration, illegal immigration, is about as popular as mask mandates.”
“If you’re asking yourself, how could Tony Fauci declare the pandemic over yesterday and back on today, maybe they are connected,” Carlson suggested. “Not a conspiracy or anything, just throwing that out there. We’ll let you decide.”
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