Brent Bozell demands DOJ be held accountable for what they did to his son and other Jan 6ers

The pardons issued to J6 defendants by President Donald Trump have evoked strong feelings from people on both sides of the issue, but Brent Bozell doesn’t want the it swept under the rug.

The Media Research Center’s founder spoke about the release of almost all of the prisoners, including his own son Zeeker, and the mistreatment he received at the hands of the federal justice system. In an X post, Bozell said the Justice Department needs to be held accountable for what they’ve done.


“The new Trump administration has arrived, with a real sense of purpose. For the past four years, the Biden administration has subjected America to a level of personal corruption, professional ineptitude and abuse of power unheard of in our nation’s history,” he wrote. “President Trump committed to address all of this and immediately has put an end to the persecution of J6 defendants through his presidential pardon. I salute the President for this commitment to justice. I also thank him personally for liberating my son.”

“The list of old friends, and new friends who have shared their outrage in emails, texts, phone calls and private conversations, always offering their prayers, have my family’s everlasting gratitude as well. America has witnessed the Biden administration transform the FBI from perhaps the most respected to the most feared agency in the federal government,” the post continued. “It is high time the Department of Justice be investigated. It needs to be fumigated and the rot expelled.”

“My son was guilty of breaking two windows and entering the Capitol that day. He recognized this, was prepared to plead guilty, and accept his punishment. That was, until the ‘Justice’ Department offered him a deal: accept a three-year sentence or face a 20-year prison term, a fate which would befall him by the time they were done with him, after throwing the entire weight of the federal government against him,”Bozell revealed. “Others capitulated because they either didn’t have the financial means to defend themselves or didn’t understand the nature of the abuse. My son refused. For that, they charged him with an insurrection, which they knew was unconstitutional. At the 11th hour, they added an assault charge, which was as dishonest as it was false. And when sentencing came, they tried to pin a terrorism enhancement charge. This to a man whose greatest crime prior to this was a traffic ticket. Were he a BLM rioter, he’d have been given probation and a nominal fine. Or, as has been the case with thousands who did far worse, nothing at all.”

“But my son was a J6er. He was sentenced to 45 months in prison. Amazingly, his was one of the better outcomes. He has spent almost a half year in prison, leaving his wife without a husband and three girls without their father. I want to know who was behind this persecution. I want to know who chose my son because he shares my name. I want to know who gave the orders to throw the book against him – including inventing heinous crimes – because I supported President Trump. I want them brought to justice. I want to see them in prison,” the fiery post concludes.

He also posted an update photo of his son with some friends shortly after being released from custody, once again thanking the president for the pardon.

Bozell wasn’t alone in calling for justice:

Sierra Marlee


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