‘F*ck you!’: Morning Joe regular flips out when ex-Obama aide takes swipe at Biden

Another example of Democratic disunity came courtesy of a not-so-friendly “F*ck you!” from a “Morning Joe” regular when confronted about the end of President Joe Biden’s campaign.

In addition to welcoming teeming masses of Hamas sympathizers, unborn baby murder proponents, and radical Marxists, the Democratic National Convention host city was expected to be swamped by protesters throughout the week. Kicking off a week of extremism on all sides of the convention, Biden was expected to set the stage for fawning over Vice President Kamala Harris, a matter that allies remained frustrated about.

This included MSNBC contributor Mike Barnicle who, according to a report from Axios, had some fiery words for a White House aide from President Barack Obama’s administration.

“Isn’t it great that f*cking guy finally figured out he had to quit?” the unnamed official reportedly told Biden supporter and friend Barnicle after encountering him at Fenway Park in Boston prompting the response, “What guy?!”

“Joe Biden!” the former aide was said to have answered.

Before walking away, the “Morning Joe” regular reportedly sounded off, “You know something? F*ck you! And f*ck all your friends with their anonymous quotes in the papers. Put your name on it next time!”

The report went on to preview expectations of Biden’s “passing of the torch” speech to Harris at the DNC after the president himself had seemingly admitted speculation that he had been the victim of a coup was correct.

During his first interview after dropping out of the race, Biden had told CBS News’ Bob Costa, “The polls we had showed that it was a neck-and-neck race, it would have been down to the wire.”

“But what happened was, a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic,” he explained. “And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic, you’d be interviewing me about why did [California Rep.] Nancy Pelosi say, why did — and I thought it’d be a real distraction.”

Running with the narrative on the rebrand of the vice president, who was viewed so unfavorably that she dropped out of the 2020 Democratic primary before a single vote had been cast, Axios reported, “On the opening day of their convention, Democrats are ecstatic — giddy at how far Harris has come in the 29 days since Biden bowed out. But among some in Biden’s innermost circle, there’s astonishment about how instantly Harris became a celebrated, glamorous star…Some Biden stalwarts blame the press for forcing him out, and now seethe at what they see as fawning coverage of Harris.”

Meanwhile, the outlet went on to indicate that Biden had been made privy to Barnicle’s comments to the unnamed aide, “A source familiar with Biden’s reaction to the story told us: ‘He might still be laughing.'”

Kevin Haggerty


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