Hospital patients being pressured to register to vote by leftist org BEFORE receiving treatments: report

A left-wing non-profit is registering hospital patients to vote, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has warned.

The RNC this week sent letters to election officials in six swing states — Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada — warning them about this unscrupulous operation.

In the letters, the RNC accused the nonprofit, Vot-ER, of “weaponizing the healthcare system” and “threatening … election integrity,” according to the Washington Free Beacon.

“It is not difficult to imagine how a patient could feel pressured to register to vote or support a certain candidate to receive medical care,” the letters read.

“The RNC is and always has been a staunch supporter of voter registration and participation, but this perversion of the doctor-patient relationship raises serious legal concerns given the laws and regulations governing that relationship and voter registration,” they continue.

How shady is Vot-ER? It’s reportedly already facing a congressional probe over whether or not it’s been registering criminal aliens.

According to a script that Vot-ER gives to healthcare providers, doctors have been urged to help criminal aliens “help” their naturalized relatives “get ready to vote.”

“Trusting individuals who violated this nation’s immigration laws to only register friends and family who are lawfully able to register to vote is foolish and dangerous, especially when the patients are not legally allowed to register themselves,” the letters rightly note.

Vot-ER is technically a 501(c)(3) that purports to be a nonpartisan organization focused on “transforming routine healthcare visits into opportunities for civic empowerment, partnering with trusted health professionals, and reaching historically underrepresented communities.”

But the language it uses on its website — “historically underrepresented communities,” for example — makes it clear the group is left-wing. The Free Beacon has noticed this as well.

“Though Vot-ER has denied steering patients toward one candidate or party, doctors affiliated with the group routinely use left-coded language — ‘abortion rights,’ for example—when interacting with patients and the public,” the conservative news publisher notes.

“That has allowed it to push a partisan agenda without overtly violating election law and raised concerns about the exploitation of vulnerable patients from both health care workers and medical ethicists, who say the group’s efforts reek of coercion.”

Jane Rosenthal, the former chair of the ethics committee at New York University’s Tisch Hospital, told the Beacon that patients with mental illness may lack the capacity to make informed decisions.

Elliot Kaminetzky, a psychologist who specializes in anxiety disorders, added that these patients may feel pressured to register to vote in the hopes that their visit to the hospital will be shortened.

Despite all this clear-cut partisanship, the nonprofit has nevertheless “partnered with over 500 hospitals and clinics and has helped tens of thousands of people register to vote,” according to the The Carolina Journal.

“Doctors have used Vot-ER’s tools to register patients in settings such as cancer hospitals, emergency rooms, substance abuse clinics, palliative care departments, and neonatal intensive care units, where they have registered parents of infants in critical condition receiving care,” the Journal notes.

But it gets worse.

According to the Free Beacon, the nonprofit was founded by a former staffer for current Democrat presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris. Furthermore, the nonprofit receives money from Democrat dark money groups.

“Targeting our community’s most vulnerable for political purposes during their treatment period is simply beyond the pale,” the RNC’s letters conclude. “Their actions offend not only on a moral level but suggest at the very least indifference to illegal activity related to voter registration.”

The nonprofit has been active for some years. The Journal notes that during the 2020 election, “There wasn’t a single psychiatric diagnosis that excluded a patient from Vot-ER’s voter registration at the institute.” Suggesting, in other words, that the nonprofit was willing to register EVERYBODY, even the clinically insane.

In separate but highly related news, the Biden-Harris administration has launched a task force to “aggressively investigate and prosecute threats to election workers, officials, and volunteers.”

Vivek Saxena


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