The scandal-ridden, “Never Trump” Lincoln Project wants to help Democratic candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) win his “critical” Ohio race against Trump-endorsed J.D. Vance, but appears Ryan’s camp would prefer to pass on the offer.
BizPac Review reported on the Lincoln Project’s many scandals throughout 2021, from allegations of inappropriate relations with underage boys to the infamous “fake tiki torch” stunt they pulled at a campaign rally for then-gubernatorial Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin — scandals that have marked the Lincoln Project as pariahs by many, including former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Still, the tone-deaf Lincoln Project wants to inject themselves into elections it feels are important to saving Democracy.
“Unlike other PACs, The Lincoln Project is not going after easy races to bolster its winning percentage,” the group announced in a Thursday release. “Each race was evaluated and scored on whether it plays an outsized role creating a positive, pro-democracy outcome in 2024, the importance towards controlling the state’s governor’s office and Congressional delegation, and finally, and individual candidate’s support for liberalism.”
Detailing the “top races critical to American democracy’s survival,” the Lincoln Project declared the Ohio Senate race as one of the races crucial to “democracy’s very existence.”
“While the race presents Democrats with an opportunity, it also provides the illiberal forces of MAGA and Trumpism one of their best chances to add another full-fledged, Hawlesque advocate in the Senate if Vance prevails,” the Lincoln Project warns of the Ohio election.
Reporter Josh Rultenberg tweeted the news out, and it elicited a response from Tim Ryan’s camp that was likely not what Lincoln Project was hoping for.
“Pls no,” begged Ryan’s communication director.
pls no
— Izzi Levy (@chevytothe_levy) May 5, 2022
The repudiation opened the door for a tsunami of snark against the oft-mocked organization.
“This is a pretty good insight into how many Dems see the Lincoln Project’s work,” tweeted CNN’s national political reporter, Dan Merica.
“This might be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen,” said Epoch Times journalist Jeff Carlson. “The Lincoln Project is poison. And everyone — even Dems — now knows it.”
“They’re your problem now,” Stephen L. Miller exclaimed. “Enjoy it!”
Lincoln Project announces they will be involved in the Ohio Senate race, saying it is one of the “top races critical to American democracy’s survival."
Tim Ryan's spokesperson: "pls no"
This is a pretty good insight into how many Dems see the Lincoln Project’s work.
— Dan Merica (@merica) May 5, 2022
This might be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.
The Lincoln Project is poison. And everyone – even Dems – now knows it.
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) May 5, 2022
They’re your problem now. Enjoy it!
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 5, 2022
But it wasn’t just Blue Check journos having a laugh at the Lincoln Project’s expense.
“They are probably working on the ‘If we can’t beat ’em we will try to sleep with their kids’ campaign as we speak,” one user wrote.
“Maybe Rick and his merry grifters can load up their creeper van with his cooler and make appearances at events,” wrote another. “Good times.”
And a third found the perfect gif to illustrate “Tim Ryan’s campaign office when they see @ProjectLincoln jump in to support them”:
Tim Ryan’s campaign office when they see @ProjectLincoln jump in to support them
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) May 5, 2022
They are probably working on the “If we can’t beat ‘em we will try to sleep with their kids” campaign as we speak.
— Cap’n Flint (@preparetoboard) May 5, 2022
Maybe Rick and his merry grifters can load up their creeper van with his cooler and make appearances at events. Good times. 😂
— Mike Honcho (@BigDaddyDore) May 5, 2022
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