Megyn Kelly goes scorched earth on ‘overweight, out-of-shape, women’ in the LA fire department

Podcaster and truth-bomb dropper Megyn Kelly went scorched earth on the “overweight, out of shape women” leading the disastrous fire response in California.

Breaking down the absurdity of the issue as only she can, Kelly left no room to misinterpret her sentiments as she called out the females she says are “the last thing I want to see coming if I’m in a burning building.”


“These three women who are at the top there they’re all honestly I’m not trying to be mean but they’re obese. These are overweight, out-of-shape women,” she bluntly stated. “The last thing I want to see if I’m in a burning building is a) a woman, and b) an obese woman. Who takes comfort in ‘I’m going to die, but it’s in the presence of an obese lesbian’? This is ridiculous.”

“I speak for all women, I believe I speak for all females in Los Angeles when I say ‘We want a strong man to rescue us.’ That’s what we want. Do we ask for too much?” Kelly added.

The women Kelly is speaking about are Fire Chief Kristin Crowley, Training and Support Bureau Commander Jaime Brown, and Deputy Chief in Equity and Human Resources Bureau Kristine Larson, who have all been criticized for the policies and priorities of the department in light of the out-of-control wildfires that are destroying homes, businesses and untold acres of land in California.

X users seem to be onboard with Kelly’s commentary:

The entire episode can be found on YouTube:

Sierra Marlee


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