MSNBC guest says it’s time for a new constitution: ‘Two senators per state is undermining democracy’

A left-wing legal scholar argued Friday on MSNBC that it’s time for America to write a new Constitution because the original Constitution as written by the Founding Fathers is a threat to left-wing-styled democracy. No joke.

Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of California at Berkeley’s law school, went so far as to tell the rabidly left-wing hosts of “Morning Joe” that America will “drift toward authoritarianism” unless the Constitution is rewritten in a way to appease leftists like him.


As his first line of attack, Chemerinsky went after the pivotal Electoral College that was designed to ensure that each state, including red states, receives equal representation.

“Choices that were made in adapting the Constitution have come to haunt us,” he claimed. “The Electoral College increasingly is choosing the president who lost the popular vote.”

“Two senators per state is undermining democracy. In the last session of Congress, there were 50 Democratic senators and 50 Republican senators, but the 50 Democratic senators represented 42 million people,” he added.

FYI, Democrats resent the Electoral College because it ensures that the wishes of middle America aren’t ignored over the wishes of coastal elites like Chemerinsky, among others.

Next up for attack was the Supreme Court whose lifetime tenures were designed to protect justices from falling prey to political pressure.

“Life tenure for Supreme Court justices is increasingly problematic,” he claimed. “For much of American history, the tenure for Supreme Court justice was an average of 15 years. Since 1970, it’s been 27 years. All of these are choices made in 1787, but they have become much more salient in recent years.”

Continuing his remarks, Chemerinsky suggested that the Constitution lacks value because it was written hundreds of years ago. Never mind that the Bible was written thousands of years ago.

“Isn’t it absurd that we’re governed in 2024 by a Constitution written in 1787 for a small agrarian, slave-owning society?” he said.

He went on to admit that writing a new Constitution would be difficult in such a “divided” country but stressed that it should be done anyway.

“I’m not saying there will be a constitutional convention tomorrow or next year, but I do think it’s time to begin thinking of a constitution for the 21st century rather than be governed by the one from the 18th century,” he said.

He continued by seriously warning that America’s divisions might grow even worse unless the Constitution is rewritten to appease the left.

“What happens if we do nothing?”  he asked rhetorically. “We can continue to muddle along, but I worry about how long a government can survive, who has lost the confidence of people, how long a government can survive with a society so deeply polarized.”

“We could drift towards authoritarianism. There are a lot of democracies in the world that are no longer democracies,” he added.

Like Brazil and the U.K., both of which, ironically but tellingly enough, the modern Democrat Party sides with.

“But there’s also the possibility that we will start hearing serious talk that what divides us is much greater than what unites us as a country,” Chemerinsky concluded. “So I think we have to think of — I’m not arguing for secession, I’m not saying it’s likely in the foreseeable future, but it’s certainly a path that could happen if we don’t repair what’s wrong in the American government.”

His remarks have sparked a whirlwind of fierce backlash.


Vivek Saxena


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