Medical group opposing wokeness in healthcare scores victory

A medical group opposing woke activists in healthcare scored an “initial win” against Cleveland Clinic after the nonprofit medical center was called out for alleged discrimination.

Eschewing science for The Science™ has seen medical industry professionals cast aside Hippocratic Oaths in favor of swearing fealty to the spirit of the age. Calling out capitulation to Marxist paradigms saw the Cleveland Clinic scrub details about a race-based center after a complaint had been filed from the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL).

Prior to the Aug. 14 complaint made with the Department of Health and Human Services, the Cleveland Clinic promoted a “Minority Men’s Health Center” along with their “Minority Stroke Program,” as archived by The Daily Wire.

As of Thursday, it appeared the “racially discriminatory program” had been wiped from the Cleveland Clinic’s site prompting a statement from plaintiff, Do No Harm.

“This takedown is an initial win, but Do No Harm would like to receive confirmation that patients of all races and ethnicities are now welcomed for treatment at the two Cleveland Clinic programs we highlighted in our complaint,” said senior fellow Dr. Jared Ross. “Do No Harm will continue working to eliminate racial bias and political ideology from all aspects of medicine.”

The site promoting the health center detailed a focus on “minority health concerns” and claimed that it helped doctors “more effectively address health disparities in minority populations.”

Additionally, the complaint had pointed out that the “Minority Stroke Program” was geared specifically toward “preventing and treating stroke in racial and ethnic minorities.”

Coupled with the “Minority Men’s Health Center” the complaint alleged, “Race discrimination is a defining feature of these programs; and this discrimination is present and ongoing.”

Countering that argument, WILL Associate Counsel Cara Tolliver argued, “While racial identity politics are often problematic wherever they occur, in healthcare, the problem can engender serious stakes, including life and death matters.”

She went on, “When it comes to healthcare, providers, like Cleveland Clinic, should be simply extending care efforts to all patients who need it, regardless of their race and in accordance with law — not relying on racial stereotypes as a proxy for legitimate health risks.”

Specifically, the complaint made the case that the clinic was in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the Affordable Care Act which prohibited programs that received federal funding from actions that “[s]egregate or separately treat individuals in any matter related to the receipt of any service or other benefit.”

“Ultimately,” the complaint states, “The underlying goals of the Minority Stroke Program and Minority Men’s Health Center programming res on an impermissible interest ‘in race for race’s sake’–aiming to balance the scales of mortality and morbidity with nothing more than a bare reliance on a patient’s skin pigmentation.”

While Ross had sought confirmation that the alleged discrimination had been scrubbed in addition to the site, a statement from the clinic to The Daily Wire suggested that wasn’t the case.

“We removed the Minority Men’s Health Center page from our website because the center has not been in place for several years,” the statement indicated while confirming, “Our Minority Stroke Program is still active and is open to all patients.”

Ross went on to tell The Daily Wire, “Anytime we have segregation based on race, it’s harmful. We have a huge politically incentivized faction that wants to bring back segregation and it’s really unfortunate to go back to this idea of clinics for white people and clinics for black people.”

Kevin Haggerty


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