New school board brings back American Indian mascot after scalping by ‘woke’ leftists

Members of a newly elected school board in Pennsylvania voted overwhelmingly to allow a high school to bring back its popular Indian warrior logo after it was scalped by their “woke” left-wing predecessors.

Last week the Southern York County School District (SYCSD) approved the return of Susquehannock High School’s “Warrior Head” logo, a respectful tribute to the Susquehannock Indian tribe, in a rollback of the left’s cultural cleansing crusade.

The 7-2 vote came after the election of five new school board members who ran on pro-Native American platforms with all seven who voted to restore the logo having been elected since the controversial decision to update the image for modern times in 2021.

Jennifer Henkel who is one of the new school board members told Fox News Digital “This movement was about erasing Native American culture and I wasn’t about to stand for it,” she said, adding COVID lockdowns, school closures and the efforts to rewrite history by canceling the logo drove her to political action.

“This vote was the Lexington & Concord moment in the effort to defeat cancel culture,” said Andre Billeaudeuax, a Native American historian and activist who lobbied for the return of the beloved image.

“It took a lot of bravery for people in York County to stand up and fight back against the agenda, like David against Goliath, and the difference they made is incredible,” Billeaudeaux told Fox News Digital.

The meeting where the took place featured an hour-long presentation from the Native American Guardian’s Association (NAGA) which has fought against the cultural cleansing of Indian mascots including the NFL’s Washington Redskins which was given the tomahawk chop in 2020 after years of leftist pressure.

“What you’re doing, in my belief, is the right thing. And I totally agree. Why do you want to take away and hurt a culture that’s such a minority in this country right now?” A NAGA representative asked at the meeting which was attended by those who expressed their views on both sides of the matter.

“The SYCSD school board stands as a role model and blueprint for other communities fighting for their Native names and imagery,” NAGA said in a statement.

The move to suddenly change the logo drew outrage from community members at the time, leading to dueling petitions before the “woke” revolutionaries won out.

(Video: YouTube/WGAL)

The new school board’s move to restore the mascot an angry reaction from the defeated leftists.

“They came into their new positions with bravado to push their personal agendas, and not with humility to learn their jobs,” huffed former school board member Deborah Kalina in an editorial published by the York Daily Record.

“There is compelling academic research that shows Native mascots generate negative psychological effects for Native students, including lower self-esteem and community worth. Studies find Native mascots also are associated with negative stereotypes and a tendency to discriminate against Native Americans,” Kalina argued.

Chris Donaldson


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