Poll shows 76% of New Yorkers concerned they’ll become victim of violent crime, latest atrocity indicates why

With violent crime rates continuing to escalate throughout New York City, a new poll found if there had been a grace period for Mayor Eric Adams (D), the “honeymoon period…certainly seems to be over.”

From May 22 to June 1, the Siena College Research Institute conducted a poll in conjunction with Spectrum News NY1 to find out voters’ perspectives on the state of the city. After speaking with 1,000 New Yorkers, more than half said that the city was heading in the wrong direction compared to less than a third believing it was on a positive path.

For hizzoner who promised to tackle the city’s crime problem, 64 percent of voters rated his overall performance as fair or poor. Don Levy, director of the Siena College Research Institute, said of the results, “You would normally say that a newly elected chief executive has a honeymoon period. Well, if he had it, it certainly seems to be over.”

It should come as no surprise that 76 percent expressed they are concerned they could be the victim of a violent crime, with seven out of 10 New Yorkers also saying they now feel less safe than they had before the pandemic. Only three percent reported feeling the opposite.

One of the latest incidents of violent crime occurred in the Bronx Sunday afternoon when a man grabbed a random 52-year-old female from behind and then violently tossed her onto the subway tracks at the Westchester Ave/Jackson Ave station before strolling away.  According to the New York Post, bystanders helped her off of the track after which she was taken to Lincoln Hospital and reported to be in stable condition with cuts to her head and arm. The suspect had not yet been apprehended at the time of this posting.

After learning of the poll results, Rebecca Moravek, a grandmother from Queens, told the Post, “I am concerned about way too many guns, registered or not, being out on the streets and often in the hands of minors, which happened in my neighborhood a few weeks ago. Subways? You couldn’t pay me to ride one.”

She went on to add, “Our gun laws suck nationwide, our prison and court systems are a joke and help for the mentally ill and criminally negligent is non-existent. So yes, I am part of the 76 percent.”

After saying of the NYPD, “Their job is to take dangerous people off the street. My job and the job of my agencies is to prevent people from being dangerous,” Adams railed against the criminal justice system stating, “The courts have to prosecute. Judges have to make sure [criminals] stay in.”

However, 85 percent of New Yorkers are in favor of having more cops in the subway system, something that Adams could do rather than pointing the blame at others. T.J. Mitchell, resident of Dyker Heights, Brooklyn told the Post, “There are too many criminals in the street. Weirdos and deranged criminals everywhere in this city. No, I don’t feel safe. I’m most worried about shootings and subway crime.”

Brian Corbin, a firefighter with the FDNY conveyed similar sentiments upon learning of the poll, “I’m not surprised the majority of us are afraid we’ll be attacked.”

Only gun violence has begun to decline under the mayor’s watch, but it still remains nearly double the rate it was prior to the pandemic for the same month. The disfavor of progressive leadership was not isolated to the city either as Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) was also rated negatively with 54 percent considering her performance fair or poor.

Kevin Haggerty


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