Reaction to Treasury Secretary Yellen’s ‘barbaric’ comments claiming abortion is good for the economy: ‘Really repulsive’

(Video: Fox News)

U.S. national defense policy expert and Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Rebeccah Heinrichs called Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s recent comments suggesting that abortion is good for the economy, “repulsive” and “barbaric,” and says “the biggest lie progressives have ever told” is that the abortion industry is “pro-woman.”

Fox News host Tucker Carlson played for Heinrichs a clip of Yellen arguing before Congress that “eliminating the right of women” to have abortions “would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades” and asked Heinrichs her thoughts.

“It’s incredibly repulsive, Tucker,” Heinrichs replied. “And the argument is barbaric in and of itself, but to have the secretary of the treasury making the argument is chilling because she’s really talking about people, rather than as women and mothers and families, she’s kind of revealing that she is thinking about it in terms of cogs in a machine for the economy.”

“She also talked about how it would disproportionately affect, potentially, women of color, who are in a lower economic state, which is really a sister, intellectually, to Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood, who would talk about, you know, those who are not suited to have children because they’re feebleminded or poverty-stricken because they don’t provide, you know, something better to society, what can they give to society, and therefore they should not be having children,” she explained. “So, really repulsive.”

Heinrichs pointed to pro-abortion feminists and said progressive leaders have lied to them.

“The biggest lie progressives have ever told is that the abortion industry — and that abortion on demand — is pro-woman,” she stated. “It is not pro-woman. It degrades women. It erases us of our unique characteristics of life-giving qualities.”

“But from the people who give us ‘birthing bodies,’ it is not surprising that they would make this kind of connection,” she added.

According to Heinrichs, people may buy into Yellen’s “credentialed” opinions as an official of the Biden administration, but her “cog in a machine” attitude actually echoes the views and policies of the Chinese Communist Party.

“They think — you have the secretary of the treasury making this, so it must be right because she is so smart and credentialed, but it really is primitive,” Heinrichs said. “It is barbaric, much more akin to the Chinese Communist Party’s view of their citizens, which is — they have a barbaric, brutal, state-run population control with forced abortions because they’re trying to maximize output. So to have an American secretary of the treasury make this remark is really gross.”

What’s more, says Heinrichs, Americans need to be having more children right now, not less, and implying that motherhood is a waste of “time and talents”  is “backwards” thinking.

“If anything is really true, it is that the United States should be populating with more babies,” she said. “You know, since 2007, we have been below replacement rate, so a sign of a dynamic, healthy, happy society of communities — we should be demonstrating that we’ve got great hope in the future, and there’s things that are actually more valuable than monetizing your time and talent.”

“A woman’s time and talents are never wasted on her children and her family,” Heinrichs stated. “And so, I think it really exposes something pretty backwards and gross about the way the secretary of the treasury is viewing people.”

Melissa Fine


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