Tucker Carlson says proposed ‘bill will allow Elizabeth Warren to decide what things cost in the US’

Led by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Democrats are trying to impose price controls on the sale of goods, particularly gasoline, but according to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, this is a “Soviet solution” that would breed catastrophe.

Speaking on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” this Friday, the eponymous host specifically zeroed in on the Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2022.

“Warren’s latest plan to make herself more powerful is called the Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2022. This bill would allow Elizabeth Warren to decide what things cost in the United States,” he said.

To hear the far-left senator tell it, greedy companies, particularly oil/gas companies, are maliciously hiking their prices so as to exploit America’s current economic crisis for monetary gain.

But not only is this untrue, according to Carlson, but it’s also partly a distraction meant to cover up her true goal, which is to push the left’s green agenda. The evidence, he continued, is the lengths to which Democrats have gone to attack the oil and gas industry.

“So let’s say you’re paying $6 a gallon for gas, and you may be. The obvious solution to that, in fact, the only solution to that, is to make more gasoline because if there is more of something, it will cost less. That’s not just basic economics, though it is. It’s also a law of nature. It never changes, but Elizabeth Warren wants the opposite. She does not want more gas. In fact, she’s worked hard to prevent the United States from producing more gasoline and that’s the main reason it’s so expensive,” he explained.

“What Elizabeth Warren wants instead is control over gasoline and everything else, and this bill will give it to her. See how this works? And this is why the Biden administration has shut down oil and gas leases in the middle of an energy crisis and not just that, they’re crushing refineries. … So, you see where this is going. No more oil or gas for you and that’s why you can’t afford to fill your tank. Instead, the Biden administration is demanding that states build wind turbines that sound good, but unfortunately don’t actually work.”

“So the point of an energy grid is to produce and transmit energy. It has only one purpose and that purpose is being sabotaged on purpose by the Biden administration and by Wall Street, in favor of green energy, in favor of windmills that don’t actually work. And as a result of that, we’re facing the prospect of more blackouts this summer,” Carlson continued.

“We don’t have electricity anymore. It’s a first-world country. But Elizabeth Warren has a fix for that: ‘It shall be unlawful for a person to sell or offer for sale a good or services at an unconscionably excessive price during an exceptional market shock, regardless of the person’s position in the supply chain or distribution network.'”

The result of her legislation, Carlson continued, would be both Soviet-like corruption and inflation so high it’d make current inflation look welcoming.

“What you get is corruption. Corruption is the inevitable result of price controls. Even the Soviets learned this after almost 70 years. It’s why Gorbachev abandoned price controls in the 1990s. Nicolas Maduro, though a pretty rigorous Marxist, also abandoned price controls in Venezuela. He did that three years ago,” Carlson said.

“In the 1970s, Richard Nixon also realized – can you imagine – price controls don’t work, but only after he froze all prices and wages in the United States and that eventually led to a massive spike in demand and double-digit inflation.”

This is true.

The real reason for the current economic crisis is America’s crushed supply chain, which has left retailers out of stock of items the public’s demanding.

“The out-of-stock rate is now 50%. So they just don’t have the product because companies generally, if they have the product, are eager to sell the product because they’re in the business of selling products to make money,” Carlson explained..

Of course, Democrats like Warren don’t understand this. In fact, according to the Fox News host, their comprehension of the basics of economics is zero.

“Unfortunately, if you have no grounding in economics at all, not even theoretical but practical, like if your whole life has consisted of lying to large crowds to get elected, to print more money, to pay yourself, give yourself the most generous retirement in the United States, you probably don’t know how anything works, and that would describe most leaders in the Democratic Party,” he said.

“So their solution, not surprisingly, is the Soviets’ solution. It will make the problem worse, but it will make them more powerful. Oh, do you not like that? Oh, we’re sorry. We’d love to hear your complaints, but we’re not available at the moment. We’ve flown private to a global warming conference.”

In summary, Warren’s Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2022 would allow the Democrats to push their green agenda and attain more power, all while acting as if they’re fixing America’s economy — when, in fact, they’d be destroying it.

Correction: They’d be further destroying it.

Vivek Saxena


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