Terrified North Korean defector warns of the left’s ‘massive indoctrination’ in public schools

North Korean defector Yeonmi Park, known for her fierce criticisms of the Marxist ideology currently underpinning so many of America’s institutions, has warned that it’s imperative that children be protected from the “massive indoctrination coming from the left,” lest America one day become no different than her country of birth..

She issued the warning in an interview this week with Fox News.

“It [America] can be like North Korea. North Korea didn’t begin like North Korea. It happened because people really believed that inequality was the evil of everything, that we all can be equal. And that’s how we became that way,” she said.

“So when one more person [is] convert[ed] everyday like that, we’re going to end up like North Korea eventually. So I think it’s our personal responsibility to protect as many children as we can from this massive indoctrination coming from the left.”

She added that, left unchecked, this indoctrination — which she described as being straight out of “the dictator’s handbook” — has the potential to produce America’s own generation of Mao’s Red Guards and Hitler’s Youth.

“This is exactly the dictator’s handbook. I mean, it’s Hitler’s youth, Mao’s youth and Kim Il-Sung’s youth. They always go for young children because they have [not] lived their life enough to… have critical thinking skills. Their brains are very plastic, very malleable, and easy to observe information and believe it and [they’re] innocent,” she said.

“And… big killers [who] want to seize power from the people, they always mobilize the youth. And that is the truth that [worries me that], as a parent myself, that I cannot protect my child right now in America.”

Park has a 4-year-old son whom she’s raising in Chicago. She told Fox News she’s worried about the indoctrination he’s already facing in daycare — yes, daycare.

“It’s really worrisome because… I cannot afford not to work and… do homeschooling. I have to have him [in the] public education system,” she said.

The indoctrination has reportedly included lessons on “white privilege” and “white guilt” that perfectly mirror the lessons on “equity” that she faced in North Korea.

“[In America], it’s all about this hierarchy of victimhood. And I see that my son… [is] learning in their school, who is privileged, who is guilty,” she said.

She’s particularly frightened by the teachings of Ibram X. Kendi, a veritable black supremacist whose “antiracist” propaganda has been propped up and celebrated by America’s establishment, including the press:

(Source: Google)

Yet Kendi’s so-called “antiracism” is rooted in racism, with its core tenet being that the discrimination of the past can only be rectified through present discrimination.

And so because past discrimination in America was committed by whites and males, particularly white males, they must be discriminated against. This patently racist doctrine has even been adopted by the federal government.

In addition to being “antiracist,” Kendi is reportedly also an “anti-capitalist” socialist.

“The definition of socialism means giving all the power to the government. They decide the means of production. They decide every aspect of our lives,” Park said of socialism.

She then proceeded to provide a clear example of how the adoption of socialist ideals has affected her country of birth.

“In North Korea, they say, ‘OK, we’re going to make sure everybody is equal, nobody’s well-off than the other person. So give us all your land.’ So we gave the regime all the land. So they abolish[ed] private property. Nobody could own anything. State owns it, and they distribute it equally. When they took everything, they did not give anything back to us. … It’s a playbook for dictators. It’s a playbook for the elite to seize power from people, and this brainwashing is the seed of that,” she said.

It’s a playbook rooted in communism, to be exact, except that it’s since been adopted by uber-wealthy American elites like Kendi, who’s reportedly worth at least $1 million, not to mention self-identified socialists like Hasan Piker, who’s worth even more than that.

The playbook works by convincing a majority of the populace that they’re all being oppressed, triggering a revolution whereby the “oppressed” commandeer the government, and then build a new system where the formerly oppressed inevitably become the new oppressors. It’s what always happens in a communist system.

Concluding her remarks to Fox News, Park said that, despite growing up in the hellhole that is North Korea, she’s now terrified of remaining in the United States.

“This is where it keeps me up at night. I never knew that I was going to be waking up at night and terrified being in America. I did that tons of nights in North Korea and China,” she said.

Vivek Saxena


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