‘Truly pathetic’ artist unveils ‘abomination’ depicting a tattooed Jesus Christ and trans Madonna

Sometimes it isn’t art imitating life that stuns people, so much as it is imitation artists doing all they can to offend as many folks as possible with their attention-seeking creations.

Case in point: An updated version of Michelangelo’s breathtakingly beautiful Pietà which depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary cradling the crucified Son of God in her arms.

It was unveiled by a bearded man in drag, features a tattooed Jesus Christ and a transgender Madonna, and it is being called an “abomination.”

Others noted that only Christians are treated with such disrespect.

“Funny how they only do this with Christian iconography, it’s such a boring and completely safe version of ‘look mom! Look how edgy I am!'” stated one user. “You want to actually be subversive, why not do one of the other religions like Islam or Judaism? Or any other religion?”

“Now do Mohammed,” another quipped.

“Imagine doing this to any other Religion and what would the media do?” asked a third. “They have no problem because it’s Christian’s. They want to mock Jesus and the Blessed Mary. I don’t think it’s appropriate at all.”

Many critics pointed out that the artist, whose identity remains unclear, isn’t even original.

After all, offensive depictions of Jesus is so 1980s:

When “demons” mock, often the best course of action is to mock back, without mercy.

“I’d make fun of him,” one user said of the artist, “but he is doing a fine job all by himself.”

“That’s not even offensive,” remarked another user. “It’s like… predictable.”

“The most offensive thing in this video is the artist’s plastic surgeon,” stated a sarcastic third.

But at least one user is praying for the artist.

“May God have mercy on your soul,” the user wrote. “In the meantime, savor the attention. It will be small consolation.”


Melissa Fine


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