(Video: Fox News)
In a 20-minute monologue Wednesday, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson tore into a long list of Republican representatives for passing a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine while “the American economy appears to be faltering in ways that are scary to anyone who’s paying attention.”
“Nothing against Ukraine,” Carlson stated, “but we could probably use that money here right about now. After 100 years of virtually uninterrupted wealth generation, the American economy appears to be faltering in ways that are scary to anyone who’s paying attention.”
“Even people who aren’t paying attention can sense there’s something really wrong,” Carlson said.
He cited unemployment, soaring inflation, food shortages, and the deadly fentanyl epidemic before making the claim that our leaders in Washington simply do not care about Americans.
The damning allegation comes after the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to send another $40 billion in military, economic, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
As American Wire News reported, only 57 Republicans voted against the package, sparking fury from those who would put the needs of its increasingly struggling citizens above those of Ukraine.
Rather than address a growing list of domestic concerns, said Carlson, “your representatives in Washington just voted to send yet another $40 billion to Ukrainian oligarchs who paid off the president’s son.”
“That’s what happened,” Carlson continued, “and it’s just the latest check that Congress has cut them. You can add it to the approximately $14 billion they’ve already spent on Ukraine. That brings the total as of tonight to more than $54 billion.”
To put that in perspective, the Fox News host said, “it is more than we spent per year on average on the war in Afghanistan, a war that began with a direct attack on the United States,” adding that it is an amount roughly equivalent to the amount Russia spends in a full year on its armed forces.
“It is a ludicrous amount and yet Congress happily approved it,” he stated. “In fact, they allocated $7 billion more than Joe Biden asked for.”
“That’s how excited they were to do it,” Carlson added.
He then detailed how the money is meant to be spent, noting that each earmarked dollar is going to solve problems in Ukraine that desperately need solving here at home, starting with a secure border.
“The main course of all this funding from day one has been to secure Ukraine’s borders because, you know, you can’t have a country without borders,” he quipped.
And as mothers across America are frantically trying to find a baby formula hookup, Congress has used taxpayer dollars to address “food insecurity” in Ukraine.
“Then there’s the problem of ‘food insecurity,'” Carlson noted. “Not here, in Ukraine. Food is getting expensive in Ukraine, so we’re going to spend $760 million to fix that just in this check and not just in Ukraine. Congress, who was feeling kind of sporty, also added $150 million for something called the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program because while we’re feeding Ukraine, why not feed the rest of the world?”
Carlson also called out the hundreds of millions of dollars marked for Ukrainian entitlement programs and emergency shelters as “more than a million Americans are homeless tonight,” and human trafficking in the European nation, as people are being trafficked over our open border with Mexico.
And then there’s $72 million “for something the bill describes as ‘research, development, test and evaluation in Ukraine.”
“Now, don’t say biolabs because that’s not a lab, but honestly, this is weird,” Carlson stated. “Ukraine is a war zone and therefore probably not a great place for scientific research right now, but whatever. We’re funding some sort of science experiments in Ukraine. No more questions from you.”
“And the bill goes on like this and on and on,” Carlson noted before launching into an indictment of those responsible for passing it through the House.
He noted that “every single Democrat in the House of Representatives voted for this bill” — even Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) who opposed the war against the Taliban.
“This war is not only about Ukraine,” Lee reasoned. “This war is about the rest of the world and Putin trying to establish autocratic governments throughout, throughout the world, and we know that this is taking place through disinformation campaigns, through all kinds of misinformation that’s taking place.”
“This is a war on disinformation,” said Carlson, “which at some point in some way is dead certain to be a war on you.”
He then took aim at Rep. Tim Ryan and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who cited the Bible when justifying her support of Ukraine.
“The brutality of Putin is not just what he’s doing in Ukraine, but the impact that it is having on food for the world,” Pelosi stated. “So, when you’re home thinking, what is this all about? Just think about, ‘When I was hungry, you fed me’ in the Gospel of Matthew.”
“Oh, so Jesus wants to send more missiles to Ukraine and the more missiles we send to Ukraine, the less hungry people are going to be?” Carlson asked.
But it’s the divided Republicans, said the Fox News host, who are truly to blame for falling under Democratic control.
“As usual, Democrats, as ludicrous as this may sound, are united on this point,” Carlson stated. “They stand as one, but also, as usual, a sustained propaganda campaign in the American media has managed to divide the Republican Party.”
“Now, why does this happen every single time?” he asked. “Her’s why: because Republican officeholders, no matter how conservative they tell you they are, believe The New York Times. They care deeply what legacy media say. They read The New York Times every day. They don’t want to be criticized by The New York Times. And that’s how the left controls them every single time.”
As examples, Carlson pointed to former South Carolina governor, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley and her reaction following the death of George Floyd.
“A lot of people died and that was good because your racism killed George Floyd,” charged Carlson. “That was Nikki Haley’s first reaction.”
He then focused on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
“You got to hope that there’s some sincere billionaire out there who’s going to fund a primary challenge against every single one of those Republican state senators standing by Mitch McConnell, as he said, and we’ll quote again, ‘I think we all agree the most important thing going on in the world right now is the war in Ukraine.'”
“No,” said Carlson, “the most important thing going on in the world right now is the state of your country, the one you’re supposed to run, the people you’re supposed to represent, whose lives are supposed to care about, the ones who can’t buy food or gas, the people ODing on fentanyl, 107,000 in a year dead, young people, Americans.”
And then, he shifted to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who suggested we “take out Putin by helping Ukraine.”
“Let’s take out Putin,'” Carlson repeated. “It’s weird to see a guy live out his strange little fantasy life on TV live.”
“Lindsey Graham won’t come on the show,” Carlson continued. “He’s afraid. We could spend the next hour playing clips of Lindsey Graham going back 20 years, making predictions that didn’t come true and resulted only in the death of American servicemen and the impoverishment of the United States.”
“He’s gotten wrong every single time,” he stated, “and he’s still out there.”
Dan Crenshaw, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Elise Stefanik, Ted Cruz, Mitt Romney, and Chuck Grassley were all called out by name by Carlson, with Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise being called “shameful” for their stances.
“And the worst part is this bill will almost certainly pass in the Senate, which is way more left-wing even than the House on the Republican side,” Carlson noted.
“We reached out to every Republican in the Senate to find out what they plan to do,” Carlson stated. “Most of them didn’t bother to reply. None of them will come on the show. That would include Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Chuck Grassley, Mitt Romney also didn’t respond. We’re hoping they’ll vote the right way.”
Of those Carlson was able to reach, Senators Mike Braun, Roger Marshall, Marsha Blackburn, Bill Hagerty, and Josh Hawley have stated they will vote “no” on the bill, with Sen. Rand Paul indicating that he, too, opposes it.
“Lindsey Graham, needless to say, is a yes,” Carlson noted, adding that Rob Portman of Ohio and Steve Daines of Montana will also support the enormous package.
Carlson urged any Republican senators who intend on voting “yes” on the bill to come on his show and defend their position to the American people.
“We want to invite any Republican senator who plans on voting for this to come on this show and explain why,” Carlson said. “Please tell us. We’ll let you talk as much as you want. We’re not going to sandbag you. We want to know why this is in America’s interest, why this is more important than the pressing crises all around us that the rest of us notice, and apparently you don’t.”
“So tell us,” Carlson said. “You’re always welcome.”
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