Vladimir Putin pitches Russia as a ‘safe haven’ to escape Western liberalism

Russia’s latest propaganda seems to be in reaction to the moral and cultural decline of the West as the nation is opening its doors to those escaping  “neoliberal ideals.”

The official Russian news agency TASS reported that the government now “offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals,” in an announcement published this week.

“Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia, where traditional values reign supreme, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin,” TASS reported.

The document allows foreign nationals to apply for temporary residence in Russia “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history, and basic laws.”

Russia touted itself as a bastion of “spiritual and moral values” in noting that applicants’ requests would take into account their rejection of policies in their respective countries “aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people, which run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.”

“The values are listed in the foundations of Russia’s state policy in this field, while the Russian government is expected to compile a list of countries imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens,” TASS noted.

Starting next month, three-month visas will begin to be issued by Russia’s Foreign Ministry.

The idea of the former Soviet Union being a champion of traditional values is not so far-fetched to its citizens as Putin has at times spoken about the church and the dangers posed by modern liberal philosophies. Earlier this month, the Russian president launched “Russia in the World,” a program to promote “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” overseas.

Putin’s order was reportedly aimed at “developing international youth cooperation and promoting traditional Russian spiritual and moral values abroad,” according to the Associated Press.

“The order did not specify the values that would be promoted, but Russia has shown rising animosity toward Western social liberalism, particularly toward legitimizing nontraditional sexual relations and gender identity,” the AP reported.

Months after Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Putin issued a decree declaring the “battle for cultural supremacy is growing on the world stage.”

“Centuries of history have given Russia a rich cultural heritage and spiritual potential that has put it in a unique position to successfully spread traditional Russian moral and religious values,” read the statement Putin signed on Russia’s overseas “humanitarian policy.”

The Russian leader also focused on “traditional family values” during his State of the Nation address earlier this year.

“Some countries,” he said in February, “deliberately destroy norms of morality, institutions of the family, push whole peoples towards extinction and degeneration.”

Frieda Powers


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