Biden flips out, angrily screams Trump’s a ‘loser’ after repeating ‘suckers and losers’ hoax about vets

An unhinged and unintelligible President Joe Biden finger-wagged his way through repeating a hoax about his predecessor, flavored with a new yarn about his late son.

Projections of former President Donald Trump as some sort of tyrannical despot have been no match for the seething visuals put on display by the current White House occupant. This included the latest rage-fueled rant from Biden at a Democratic Party dinner in Columbia, South Carolina where he dredged up the “suckers and losers” hoax that had readily been debunked in their first election matchup.

Biden, who infamously checked his watch while Gold Star families of the 13 U.S. service members killed during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal received their loved ones remains, attempted to draw a distinction as he asserted “I look at veterans completely differently than Donald Trump.”

“Think about this,” he began before referencing a canceled 2018 visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, “Donald Trump, when he was commander-in-chief, refused to visit a cemetery, U.S. cemetery outside of Paris for fallen American soldiers and referred to those heroes, and I quote as ‘suckers and losers.'”

“He actually said that!” roared Biden. “He said that! How dare he say that! How dare he talk about my son and all [unintelligible] like that.”

“Look, I call them patriots and heroes. The only loser I see is Donald Trump,” added the president to applause from the leftist crowd. “It makes me angry. I apologize for losing my temper, but it really, really, really offends me.”

Readily apparent to those familiar with the 2015 death of then-Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden was that he neither died in combat, having succumbed to brain cancer, nor did he serve alongside the 1,800 U.S. Marines who died at the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I.

Those were the graves that then-President Donald Trump was meant to visit in 2018 as he was in France commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War before logistic issues would later get spun into a story to demonize the GOP leader.

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” Trump was quoted as saying in a 2020 article from The Atlantic citing “four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day.”

While the delusional nod to his son was entirely his own, raving about Aisne-Marne appeared to be part of a broader effort from the Biden campaign to goad the Republican rival and “get under his skin.”

Biden’s personal X account shared a post from his campaign with a clip from CNN stating, “A person close to Trump says that he is rattled by President Biden and his campaign’s efforts to get under his skin. Biden campaign aides have said the taunting will keep up,” and added the caption, “Be Best.”

Clearly not holding any moral high ground with his confused ravings, the president’s remarks drew heavy criticism online, both for repeating debunked claims and for the delivery.

Kevin Haggerty


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