Dem lawmaker calls Tucker Carlson’s alleged efforts to interview Putin ‘sickening’ and ‘un-American’

The Left hates Tucker Carlson.

No, that isn’t exactly news, but the mental gymnastics they perform as they attempt to smear and silence him are worthy of Olympic Gold and deserve a bit of ink, if only to point out how ludicrous the liberal media and progressive Representatives truly are.

Case in point: Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) went on MSNBC Sunday and discussed with substitute host Michael Steele a Daily Beast article that claims Carlson is clearly a Putin mouthpiece because he would like to interview the Russian president.

According to the Daily Beast, the Kremlin likes the idea, RT’s editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan really likes the idea, and that, says Rep. Cicilline, makes Tucker “sickening” and “un-American.”

See the logic?

Yeah… neither do we. But here is how the interview went.

With a very serious face and a sense of some urgency, Steele said to Cicilline:

“It’s being reported that Fox News and Tucker Carlson are working to secure an interview with Vladimir Putin. The Daily Beast reports the Kremlin representatives actually think this would be a good thing for Putin.”

“You’ve got to be frustrated as a member of Congress who has the intelligence and understanding of what’s going on with Russia,” Steele stated.You and your colleagues, the President, have to be frustrated when you’re seeing this type of effort being made by Fox News and Tucker.”

“How do you — how do we begin to respond to that?” asked Steele.What does it say that you have people like Tucker Carlson and Fox News drumming up support for Putin?”

It was the perfect setup for Cicilline, who was determined to stick his landing.

“It’s not frustrating,” he replied. “It’s sickening. It’s un-American.”

“This is the same man who said, ‘Why aren’t we supporting Russia in this conflict? Russia and Ukraine are both foreign countries,'” Cicilline continued. “The absurdity of not recognizing that one of them is a democracy where people have elected to turn to the west and don’t want to be part of Russia and the other is a thuggish dictator. The idea that he thinks they’re the same is preposterous.”

“This is the same person who went to Hungary to interview Victor Orban, and I guess for his encore, he’ll have [Rodrigo] Duterte from the Philippines.”

“He ought to be ashamed of himself,” Cicilline stated.Vladimir Putin is trying to destabilize Europe, to undermine the NATO alliance, the security architecture that has kept the world at peace and who stands in contrast to democratic values of freedom and, you know, sovereignty of individual nations.”

And then, that landing. The one in which Cicilline does the totally American thing and says Tucker shouldn’t be allowed to speak.

“So he ought not be given an audience on any American television,” the righteous represented declared.But this is a continuation of the propaganda machine of Fox, so it’s not surprising, but really, really disappointing.”

Here’s the thing: Any journalist who claims they don’t want to interview Vladimir Putin in the middle of a Russia-Ukraine crisis that could erupt into a world war, is not a real journalist. He’s a PR agent who regurgitates someone else’s point of view.

And any notion that an interview constitutes “drumming up support” is laughable, as any thinking adult knows.

Furthermore, any United States Congressperson who wishes to violate the First Amendment rights of an American citizen has no business being anywhere near Washington D.C.


Because that, Representative Cicilline, is the very definition of “un-American.”

Melissa Fine


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