Wigs go flying! ‘America’s worst mayor’ jumps into brawl at Illinois board meeting: ‘You gone, bi*ch!’

An Illinois town meeting devolved into an ugly brawl when fists flew after a local activist insulted town supervisor Tiffany Henyard, a scandal-plagued Democrat who has been dubbed “America’s worst mayor” for her corrupt and narcissistic leadership style.

The action went down on Tuesday night at the Thornton Township Board of Trustees meeting where Henyard critic Jedidiah Brown launched into an angry rant during which he accused her of “sleeping her way to the top” and described her as a “half-a**ed mayor” during his remarks to the crowd. Henyard has served as the mayor of Dolton Village since 2021 and has made headlines for a series of scandals.

Brown’s dressing down of Henyard got real when he ended his time at the podium by saying, “You gone, bitch!” which sparked the wild melee after her boyfriend Kamal Woods who had been seated in the back of the room confronted him. The donnybrook erupted when allies of Henyard also jumped in, and then, showing a stunning lack of self-control for an elected official, Henyard herself abandoned her seat at the table with the rest of the board and rushed to join the fight.

At one point witnesses said that Henyard’s wig flew off with CBS Chicago reporting that she was thrown to the floor and lost a shoe in the fracas that left residents horrified and disgusted by her antics.

“It should never happen. I just couldn’t believe that it came to that,” attendee Gerald Williams told ABC7 Chicago.

(Video Credit: ABC7 Chicago)

“I have never seen a politician jump in and fight like that – it was scary and horrible – it is an embarrassment,” attendee Meghan Dudek said, according to NBC Chicago.

“It was one thing when the guys were fighting, but when she jumped in it, I was taken aback. I was floored,” resident Alicia Nichole is quoted by ABC7.

“It should have never come to blows, and Tiffany should have never got involved,” Williams said.

Police said that officers were dispatched to the Thornton Township building “upon reports of a fight between two individuals. However, those individuals had dispersed from the scene prior to police arrival, so no arrests were made,” ABC7 reported.

“Let’s be clear here, I was fighting them all,” Brown said on Facebook, according to the New York Post. “Kamal grabbed my jacket in the beginning which is why my head was down but I powered through and was over him.”

“I still popped every single one of them including Tiffany who hit me first before being picked up like a toddler and having to fight security in the back room by elevator,” he added.

It’s unclear whether anyone was injured during the fighting which once again landed Henyard in the headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Chris Donaldson


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