‘It’s a month! It’s a month!’ CNN panel dukes it out over Kamala dodging media

Nothing has divided leftists from the traditions of journalism quite like Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

(Video Credit: CNN)

This was evident on CNN This Morning when former Barack Obama comms advisor Ameshia Cross got into it with Republican strategist Brad Todd over Harris’s media silence.

“This is something where we‘ve had Kamala Harris atop the ticket officially, four just a few days,” Cross said, attempting to defend Harris’s lack of involvement with the press. “This is a very historic campaign, a very truncated campaign, but the pressure for her was to actually get out and talk to the voters. She’s been doing that. She had to build that capacity. She also just chose her vice presidential running mate, the press is not her top priority.”

“Hang on, hang on,” Todd interjected. “We’re talking about the vice president of the United States. She’s been preparing to be president, allegedly, for three and a half years.”

“She’s been doing a lot of interviews as vice president,” Cross argued.

“Therefore she should have been ready for an interview on the first day,” the Republican strategist reasoned.

“It‘s not a question of ability. It is one of campaign measuring the value of how much she needs to be out and visiting the people,” Cross continued.

“No it’s one, she doesn’t want to answer for the fact that she was against fracking, she was against private insurance, she was against gasoline cars, she doesn’t want to talk about it,” Todd said.

“She’s expanding the map in ways Joe Biden could not, and she’s meeting people where they are and having those conversations every day,” the ex-Obama advisor replied. “She’s talking about it to the people who actually cast votes every day.”

At this point, host Kasie Hunt broke in to redirect the conversation, admitting that unscripted conversations are not a strong point for Harris. “If it was her strongest move, they would have played it already,” she pointed out.

A few moments later, the discussion circled back for round two as Todd continued to accuse Harris of not wanting to be held accountable for her past policy positions, which have become deeply unpopular.

“She’s sawed off a third of this campaign and members of the news media have let her — we know her positions. She’s against fracking, she’s against private health insurance, she’s against gasoline cars. That’s what she told us when she ran for president last time. She doesn’t want to talk about those positions. That’s why she’s stalling,” he said.

“She will do one! It is coming!” Cross responded emphatically.

“She’s going to show up on a network and she’s going to have a sit-down conversation. Her campaign has already said that’s going to happen,” Cross added after Todd argued that it would be a softball interview with a friendly network like NPR.

“It’s a month! It’s a month!” Todd shouted.

“She’s actually on the ground, she’s doing bus tours across the state of Georgia. She is talking to the voters,” Cross continued.

“She’s the last one in the room, let’s hear it,” the strategist shot back sarcastically.

Sierra Marlee


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