Media swooning over new poll showing big lead for Kamala but something reeks

The speed with which Kamala Harris has been able to erase former President Donald J. Trump’s lead in the polls since she was installed as the Democrat nominee is being treated as miraculous by the media, but as usual, they are being less than truthful.

The most recent poll that’s being swooned over by the regime’s perception management partners is one by Fairleigh Dickinson University that shows Harris pulling away and leading the Republican nominee by a whopping seven points, but the devil is in the details because the numbers have been cooked to produce a result favorable to the media narrative.

The poll is being touted by outlets to promote the inevitability of “Kamalot” now that the most unpopular vice president in history has been transformed into a Taylor Swift-like cultural superstar, but with a closer look, it actually shows Trump leading until the questions are re-asked to highlight the gender and racial biases of respondents.

According to FDU’s website: “Among voters who were not primed to think about the race or sex of the candidates, Harris and Trump are tied (47 to 48). When the list of issues mentions the sex of the candidates, Harris pulls ahead, 52 to 42. And when the race of the candidates is mentioned, Harris holds a 14-point lead, 53 to 39, a 15-point shift from the baseline condition.”

The poll is also grossly misleading – especially to low-information voters – because it is based on a popular vote and not the Electoral College which is the actual system of keeping score, at least until the Democrats abolish it which they plan to do as soon as possible.

The deceptive promotion of the poll was so dishonest that it set off B.S. detectors and didn’t withstand scrutiny by the real fact-checkers on X.

“When voters are thinking about race or sex, Trump’s support just plummets,” said FDU Government and Politics professor Dan Cassino. “All the time, we hear strategists and pundits saying that Democratic candidates shouldn’t talk about identity, but these results show that making race and sex salient to voters is bad for Trump and boosts Harris.”

Chris Donaldson


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