Megyn Kelly shares disastrous wardrobe issue with DeSantis: ‘What if the whole thing had torn open?’

A behind-the-scenes look at her interview with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had Megyn Kelly detailing that policies weren’t the only thing that could have been revealed.

“What if the whole thing had torn open?”

(Video: The Megyn Kelly Show)

Meet and greets and media circuits in early primary states and beyond have kept DeSantis, like his peers, busy as the first debate draws near. While the Florida governor had carved out enough time from his schedule for a lengthy discussion with Kelly, there evidently hadn’t been any wiggle room for wardrobe malfunctions.

After explaining that she had brought along both a red dress and the pink one featured in her sit-down, the podcast host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” noted the 100-degree weather as part of her decision to opt for the latter.

Unfortunately, she detailed with a layover of her posing with DeSantis as well as her greeting him at the beginning of the interview, “…as soon as I sit down, I realize on the right side, which you can see I’m hiding there behind the governor, there’s a rip! A tear! Look at me strategically placing my arm over the rip. Now here it goes back, watch.”

“There was a rip in my dress, my fancy dress for an interview with the sitting governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis. I’m not taking that arm away from the side because God knows what could have happened,” Kelly expressed, sounding mortified at the mere possibility. “What if the whole thing had torn open?”

“Ladies, have you been there? It’s like everything is all set and then, damn it, your dress tears. There was too much steak dinner the night before,” she quipped.

Of that pre-interview meal that included her team, the governor’s wife, Casey Desantis, and their three children, the host spoke of similarly revealing moments.

“We had dinner with them the night before…so we got to meet Casey as well, and let me tell you, that relationship is legit,” Kelly opined. “They really are in love…You could see the way she has his back, the way she would sort of tee up the right conversations that would reflect well on him.”

Expressing equal admiration for the kids, she then turned to the conversation itself and the depth to which DeSantis appeared to be able to reach on whatever political issue was broached.

“The discussion that we had the night before is off the record, so we’re not going to get into the substance here. But, I will tell you that he’s extremely knowledgeable about every single issue that I teed up to him. I mean, there was no issue on which he couldn’t go 10 deep,” she said. “And it was interesting to hear him talk like that.”

His political savvy wasn’t the only impressive point as Kelly also claimed, “He’s funny! He was doing impressions that had us in hysterics. I had never seen that side of him and I think…if he puts himself out there more and allows himself the opportunity for more relaxed interviews, you know long enough that he can show another side…he’ll do better.”

Kevin Haggerty


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