New DNC vice chair David Hogg – let that sink in – has ‘radical’ positions coming back to bite Dems

How radical is the new Democrat National Committee vice chair David Hogg? Plenty radical, he’s more than happy to brag about it.

Following the anointing of the gun-grabbing activist to a top Democrat Party position there was plenty of backlash and even celebration from the right. Why celebration?

Because Hogg’s new high-ranking role shows that the party that just got trounced in the last election has learned nothing.

“Are you ready to go on the offense?” Hogg asked an audience at a DNC even over the winter, Fox News reported. “We have to win back our young people. I’m the only candidate in this race for any of these positions that is under 30. We had a 20-point shift to the right of our young people. We must show our young people we give a damn about them, that we support them, and we invest in them.”

Hogg is the DNC’s first Gen Z vice chair which might be the reasoning behind his new position after his generation showed the biggest shift to elect Donald Trump as President.

“I have raised over $11 million in the past year to support the future of our party because I don’t just tweet,” Hogg said. “I don’t just talk the talk. I also walk the walk, and I knock the knock on doors around this country.”

But, he does “tweet.”  A LOT.

In the year 2022 alone, Hogg released numerous radical doozies on X, formerly Twitter, including calling himself “politically toxic.”

Hogg had also boasted about rather having a Porsche and designer dogs than having children — for the good of the environment, of course.

Hogg also bragged about his radical attributes when declaring how much money an American should be allowed to have. “How radical am I you ask” Hogg began before announcing his cap, and finishing his rambling statement with “Legalize all drugs.”

There’s plenty more where that came from and conservative X users dug into his past:

Hogg is also a radical proponent of gun control, so who could forget this gem with a Chinese LEGAL immigrant:

The woman in the video is Lily Tang Williams who ran as a Republican in New Hampshire’s Congressional election of 2024, and she’d like another round with Hogg:


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