New York teacher making six figures is removed after wishing all Trump supporters a slow painful death

A six-figure salary-earning junior high science teacher garnered a volatile reaction from parents after they learned what she hoped might happen to supporters of the president.

Free speech crossed a line at Stony Brook, New York’s Robert C. Murphy Junior High School recently when teacher Pamila Pahuja shared her take on the deportations of illegal aliens that began under President Donald Trump.

In particular, after offering comfort to “worried” friends and family, the teacher addressed her hope for Trump supporters to “suffer long” as they “slowly wither away” in a hypothetical scenario that many took as a threat.

“To all Trump supporters- hope the next time you take a drink it doesn’t swallow right and you go to get help but no one is there and you slowly wither away while struggling to gasp and suffer long,” Pahuja posted on Facebook. “That’s what you want for people you deem not worthy right? Don’t worry, I’ll pray for it to last longer. Oh the people I want to tag. If you were tired of me in 2016…better block me now.”

The same post lamented the beginning of raids by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and said in part with a reference to “The Handmaid’s Tale,” “To all my friends and their families worried, stay safe. America is no longer the land of the free- we are prisoners of the government. Only a matter of time before they come for all women. Welcome to gilead, it’s on the way.”

While it remains to be seen what decision the school district will ultimately make about the teacher referred to as “a true gem to the Three Village CommUNITY!” by the local teachers’ association, Principal Michael Jantzen notified parents via letter that, “Ms. Pahuja will be out of school until further notice.”

“Please be assured that we have taken steps to ensure a smooth transition and continued high-quality instruction in science. A qualified and certified science teacher will be assigned to your child’s class in her absence,” he added.

According to OpenPayrolls records, Pahuja earned a salary that was 161.3 percent more than the average school employee at nearly $165,000 for the year 2023.

Reacting to the post, parent Mary-Kate Robinson told News 12, “I have a child in the school, people can feel however they want to feel, like or dislike any character who’s running for office — but I read the post, it was too far.”

Similarly, Anthony Petrillo of Setauket told the outlet, “In general, teachers should be on the safer side about not posting on social media. I think they should keep politics out of the classroom.”

Meanwhile, parent Erin Miller expressed, “I think it’s poor judgment on her behalf, do I think she’s threatening, no, by no means.”

“I really don’t feel it’s an actual threat, you know and I’m a Trump supporter myself,” she added as outrage on social media differed with that opinion.

Kevin Haggerty


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