In the wake of a horrific mass shooting in Buffalo, CNN, among other liberal mouthpieces, has wasted no time trying to pin the blame on conservatives — namely, Tucker Carlson and Fox News — for reportedly pushing a “White replacement” conspiracy theory cited by alleged shooter, Payton Gendron, in a crazed manifesto.
On CNN’s “Inside Politics Sunday,” host Abby Phillip highlighted a recent tweet from Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), who accused Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) of promoting the same theory.
“Did you know: @EliseStefanik pushes white replacement theory?” Kinzinger asked his followers on Saturday. “The #3 in the house GOP. @Liz_Cheney got removed for demanding truth. @GOPLeader should be asked about this.”
Did you know: @EliseStefanik pushes white replacement theory? The #3 in the house GOP. @Liz_Cheney got removed for demanding truth. @GOPLeader should be asked about this.
Stefanik Blasted for 'Despicable' Facebook Ads Pushing 'Replacement Theory'
— Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 (@AdamKinzinger) May 14, 2022
The “theory” claims that White people are being systematically replaced by immigrants in order to nullify White, presumably conservative votes at the polls, and if you are to believe Abby Phillip, it’s about the only thing Fox News talks about.
“It’s not just Elise Stefanik,” Phillip told her panel of guests, which included New York Times correspondent Alex Burns. “If you watch Fox News, this is the mainstay of their primetime hours. Tucker Carlson discusses it in sometimes euphemistic form, but not really all that euphemistic.”
While Carlson has mentioned the idea when discussing the steady flow of illegal immigrants being bussed from the Mexican border to communities across America, Gendron reportedly cited fringe online sources when penning his manifesto — a 180-page document, which, as BizPac Review reported, was promptly scrubbed from the internet, making it impossible to challenge the allegations that are now being thrown about by progressive people like Abby Phillip.
“What does this country do about the way in which this idea of White replacement has just become part of our politics?” Phillip asked.
According to Alex Burns, that’s a “really, really tough” question, because there are no “legal instruments in this country to restrain radical speech in that way.”
Not that Burns would want that, he quickly assured viewers.
“I don’t think the government should be knocking on Tucker Carlson’s door at 2:00 in the morning because of the stuff he says on the show,” he said, before adding a great big BUT.
“To me, it’s one of the most disturbing things that has happened since I have been a political reporter,” Burns stated. “This cultural shift, where this stuff is not just sort of spouted on minor talk radio stations, by fringe, state legislators. But where prominent people in Washington, and on national television, say this stuff, and there is no penalty for it. And I don’t know what that penalty ought to be, but I think we can all agree that there ought to be some kind of cultural guardrail that says when you veer into that area you pay a price for it.”
So, in a passive-aggressive, “I don’t think Tucker should be punished, but Tucker should totally be punished” sort of way, Burns illustrated what the Left’s talking points will be as they rush to make sure yet another crisis does not go to waste.
Dems are going with ‘White Replacement Theory’ and Tucker to explain sick, deranged Buffalo killer
— BPR (@BIZPACReview) May 16, 2022
While Buffalo will certainly be used by some as another justification for trampling on the 2nd Amendment, it is clear that it will also be used to bolster the Left’s argument that the 1st Amendment needs a good stomping.
But do the rantings of a mentally-unstable teenager truly represent a “cultural shift” as Phillip and Burns would have you believe?
The argument begins to crumble when you read the many tweets from conservatives condemning the shooting and the alleged shooter’s reported beliefs.
“The Buffalo shooter is a white supremacist — a word that should be reserved for lunatics, which he clearly is,” tweeted the Chicks On The Right. “It’s a shame that the word has been so diluted by the Left that it no longer feels strong enough for that murdering psychopath.”
The Buffalo shooter is a white supremacist – a word that should be reserved for lunatics, which he clearly is. It's a shame that the word has been so diluted by the Left that it no longer feels strong enough for that murdering psychopath.
— Chicks On The Right (@chicksonright) May 15, 2022
While the Left went right to work hurling hatred at Republicans, many on the right were mourning the victims, and “White replacement theory” was not even their radar.
See for yourself:
Tucker Carlson is many things — but he’s not stupid.
When he pushes racist conspiracies like “the great replacement,” he knows the risks.
He knows some view his vile hate as a call to arms.
The problem is Tucker just doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) May 15, 2022
The racist massacre in Buffalo rest at the feet of Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and the GOP. There are not fine people on both sides.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) May 15, 2022
So tragic.
Praying for her family and her community.😓— George Wept (@GeorgeWept) May 15, 2022
RIP Aaron Salter Jr.
He gave his life trying to protect others from the evil mass shooter today.
Say a prayer for his family, we are blessed to have such brave men like Aaron in our communities.
— Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) May 15, 2022
Her life was a blessing to many— may Ms. Pearl Young rest in peace. My heart breaks for her family and all of the Buffalo victims’ loved ones.
Leaning on the Lord today to light their way with His love and grace. #BuffaloNY— HARRISFAULKNER (@HARRISFAULKNER) May 15, 2022
We'll never know how many people were saved by security guard and retired Buffalo PD officer who stood up to the shooter. Aaron Salter is a hero.
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) May 16, 2022
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