RFK Jr. fesses up to Rosanne Barr that he left dead bear’s carcass in Central Park

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admitted that he was the culprit who left a dead black bear cub in Central Park, solving a ten-year-old mystery.

Back in 2014, authorities were stumped by the discovery of what the New York Times described as a “furry black mass lay hidden under a bush near Central Park’s main loop” that was the carcass of a six-month-old female bear cub, a rarity in the heart of Gotham.

RFK Jr. fessed up to the act in a video posted to X, beating a left-leaning publication to the punch with the New Yorker set to publish an article fingering him for the act which he predicted was going to be “a bad story.”

Kennedy may have left the dead bear in the park but he didn’t kill it, explaining that he had seen a woman hit the animal with her van to a shocked Roseanne Barr, telling the comedienne that he was on his way to go falconing when he witnessed the incident.

“So, I pulled over and I picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van because I was going to skin the bear, and it was in very good condition, and I was going to put the meat in my refrigerator,” he said. “And you can do that in New York state. You can get a bear tag for roadkill bear.”

He said that the falconing took longer than expected and that he then went to dinner at a Big Apple restaurant which ended late leaving him in a pinch for time because he had to go to the airport to make a flight.

“And the bear was in my car, and I didn’t want to leave the bear in the car because that would have been bad,” Kennedy continued. “So, then I thought you know at that time – this was the…a little bit of the redneck in me – there’d been a series of bicycle accidents in New York they had just put in the bike lanes and so a couple of people had gotten killed and it was every day and people badly injured every day it was in the press.”

“I said let’s go put the bear in Central Park and we’ll make it look like it got hit by a bike,” Kennedy said, adding that he had an old bicycle in the car and thought it would be a good idea to leave it as a prop but didn’t expect the amount of media coverage that the dead bear got.

(Video Credit: CBS New York)

“The next day, it was like it was on every television station. It was the front page of every paper and I turned on the TV and there was like a mile of yellow tape and there were 20 cop cars, there were helicopters flying over it,” he said. “And I was like ‘Oh my God, what did I do?’”

“And then they were, there was some people on TV and Tyvek suits with gloves on lifting up the bike and they’re saying they’re gonna take this up to Albany to get it fingerprinted…And I was worried because my prints were all over that bike,” he concluded.

“The mouth was open and it looked bloody,” said 79-year-old Florence Slatkin who made the grim discovery, the New York Times reported at the time. “At first, I thought it was a raccoon.”

Kennedy’s bizarre tale will likely take some of the steam out of the smear campaign that was ready to be launched after the New Yorker story dropped. Much like when he was falsely accused of displaying the carcass of a BBQ’d dog last month in a picture unearthed by a left-wing media outlet.

A decade-old mystery has been solved at last.

Chris Donaldson


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