‘Woke’ Democrats see their electoral grip on Hispanic voters slipping away

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For decades, Democrats have enjoyed a lock on the Hispanic vote, but the party’s grip is weakening and Republicans are making substantial inroads into Latino communities.

Why? Many politicos believe that GOP messaging is more appealing to a larger group of Hispanics because it isn’t so…”woke.”

According to a Wall Street Journal survey released last week, Hispanic voters, the country’s second-largest voting bloc, are now split evenly between Republicans and Democrats at around 37 percent each. And though the survey sample size was small, it nevertheless set off alarm bells within the Democratic Party.

“I think that both parties should always have a sense of urgency in communicating with Hispanics, Latinos,” Ivan Zapien, a Democratic lobbyist and former executive director at the Hispanic Leadership Council of the Democratic National Committee, told The Hill.

“Do I think that Democrats’ heads should be on fire over this issue? Yeah, I do. I think that their head should be on fire over this issue every day regardless of what polls say,” he added.

The Hill noted that the WSJ survey, however small, is just the latest indication of a shift among Hispanics to the GOP. Democrats not only lost Florida and Texas — states with large Latino populations — in 2020, but they also narrowly won or even lost some key Hispanic districts to former President Donald Trump, even as President Biden received 63 percent, overall, of the Hispanic vote.

“But the Journal’s poll offered troublesome signs, finding that just 44 percent of Hispanics would vote for Biden if the 2024 presidential election were held today and 43 percent would vote for Trump,” The Hill noted.

“Trump is winning independents and Biden and Trump are effectively tied among Hispanics,” Trump’s 2020 pollster Tony Fabrizio, who co-conducted the WSJ poll, told Fox News, adding that “both of those things are warning signs for Biden since he won independents and Hispanics by a significant amount in the last election.”

“Latinos are more and more becoming swing voters… They’re a swing vote that we’re going to have to fight for,” John Anzalone, a Democrat pollster who co-conducted the Journal’s survey, added. “You see in this poll that there’s a group of Hispanic men who were without a doubt enticed by Trump and have become more Republican.”

The biggest reason for the shift, according to some analysts, has to do with the Democratic Party increasingly embracing far-left policies and ideology.

In March, Speak Georgia co-founder Janelle King told Fox News’ Steve Hilton that was largely the reason why a larger number of Hispanics voted for then-President Donald Trump.

“This is all about solutions and even when you talk about the Latino community and our Hispanic friends, it’s important to understand that they want to be safe as well,” she said regarding Democrats’ ‘defund police’ movement. “Ultimately we all want the same thing. That is to protect our family, provide for our family and live in America where it provides us with the opportunity to do those things.”

“Democrats will respond to this by doubling down on a policy that is not actually popular AT ALL among Hispanic voters: Promotion of illegal immigration. There is a reason people in historically Dem-voting TX border towns are shifting to the GOP in droves,” Christina Pushaw, who is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ spokeswoman, noted on Twitter earlier this month.

“Today’s Democrat leaders are so focused on appeasing their fringe-left base by putting teachers’ unions ahead of parents, pushing socialist tax and spending schemes, and fighting for open border policies, that even elected officials in their own party cannot support their radical agenda anymore,” Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) President Dee Duncan noted in a statement.

In addition, a large number of Hispanics do not like left-wing terms like “Latinx,” since the Spanish language is very gender-specific and Hispanics do not know how to comfortably pronounce the “x.”

Forty percent claim that “Latinx” bothers or offends them to some degree and 30 percent said they would be less likely to support a politician or organization that uses the politically correct term, Politico reported this month.

Jon Dougherty


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