David Hogg gets pulverized after telling Americans they have no right to own a gun

David Hogg is at it again, informing Americans that they don’t have a Second Amendment right to bear arms and that only a well-armed militia has that right after massively misinterpreting the Constitution while proving that a high IQ is not required for the public stage.

You have no right to a gun. You are not a militia. When you’re talking about your second amendment rights you’re talking about a states right to have what is today the national guard. The modern interpretation of 2A is a ridiculous fraud pushed for decades by the gun lobby,” Hogg tweeted, ticking off the majority of Americans in the process.

Hogg made himself into a gun control activist in the five years since the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018. He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he believes all guns should be confiscated.

He also slammed the Supreme Court for ruling otherwise, “Also Bruen has to be one of the most illogical and stupid decisions ever put out by SCOTUS that 20 years ago if turned in as a paper at almost any law school would have got an F.”


Even Twitter fact-checked him on it, “While individual opinions about the proper reading of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution differ widely, and have for generations, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that it does protect an individual right to bear arms (with certain limitations).”

Hogg is falsely declaring that the “gun lobby” wants criminals to have guns to push crime higher and get people to buy more guns, “The future the gun lobby is pushing for is one with absolutely no gun regulation whatsoever where anyone can get a gun. That is the path we are going down right now. They want bad guys to have guns so they can use the rise in gun violence to sell more guns to scared people.”

On Monday, Hogg doubled down on his stance concerning the right to be armed and reiterated Americans could only own guns if they belonged to a militia.

“Yes I support the second amendment,” Hogg snarkily asserted using a false premise. “I support your states right to have a national guard as the framers intended. If you want to have a gun you ought to be part of that as the well regulated militia.”


Conservatives wasted no time ripping into Hogg and making bacon out of him:

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