Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
In George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, the government of Oceania created 4 government ministries to oversee its fascist state and control its citizens. Each of these all powerful ministries had a specific function, but the overall purpose of these ministries was to regulate life and maintain control over the people of Oceania. In a literary sense, each ministry was Orwell’s use of irony because each ministry did the opposite of what it was named. The ministries in 1984 were as follows:
- The Ministry of Truth which is concerned with “news, entertainment, education and the fine arts.”
- The Ministry of Peace which deals with matters relating to war.
- The Ministry of Love which maintains law and order in Oceania.
- The Ministry of Plenty which is responsible for “economic affairs.”
The Ministry of Truth employed Winston as a “records editor” (today he might be known as a “fact checker.) It was the Ministry of Truth’s function to eradicate anything unfavorable to the government and rewrite history, even if it was false or fictitious. Each Ministry represented dystopian irony because the ministries were the opposite of what their titles implied, and they were Orwell’s attempt to critique the facets of a totalitarian philosophy that had one purpose in life: to dominate the masses.
Although the verbiage has changed slightly, the Biden Administration appears to be taking Orwell’s fantasy and making it a reality. In recent weeks the Biden administration has announced the creation of two bureaucratic agencies that look eerily similar to the ministries of 1984. These agencies have been given the creative titles of The Disinformation Governance Board (which will operate as a branch of the Department of Homeland Security) and the Office of Environmental Justice (which will operate as a branch of the Department of Justice). Each organization will be headed by biased, agenda driven women who have made no secret where their loyalties lie.
In an ironic sense that would make Orwell proud, the Executive Director of the Disinformation Governance Board will be Nina Jankowicz because she is guilty of disseminating disinformation regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story, which she dismissed as misinformation. She has also been very critical of those whom she has referred to as “free speech absolutist” and who sees her role as preventing those she has labeled as “absolutists” from taking over platforms, which she claims will “traumatize marginalized” individuals.
The Office of Environmental Justice will be headed by Cynthia Ferguson and according to a DOJ memo there will be 4 core principles that will direct attorneys from this department: (1) prioritize cases that will reduce public health and environmental harms to overburdened and underserved communities; (2) make strategic use of all available tools to address environmental justice concerns; (3) meaningfully engage with impacted communities; and (4) be transparent about environmental justice efforts, as well as the results of those efforts. These efforts are supported by President Biden’s climate advisor Gina McCarthy who blatantly stated, “”We’re actually going to do 100 rules this year alone on appliances.” The airlines are “gonna be out of here” if they don’t follow Biden’s Green New Deal-style rules.” Does this sound like this agency will be unbiased?
Attorney General, Merrick Garland when discussing the OEJ said, “In our environmental enforcement efforts, we will prioritize the cases that will have the greatest impact on the communities most overburdened by environmental harm,” he said, noting that “communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution and climate change.” He continued, “”In our environmental enforcement efforts, we will prioritize the cases that will have the greatest impact on the communities most overburdened by environmental harm,” he said, noting that “communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution and climate change.”
In other words, these boards will be purveyors of democratic woke policies, and they will be made up of partisan democrats who could easily censor those on the right whose ideas they don’t like. The environmental board could easily punish any company that is not green enough or woke enough for their liking and because they are an arm of the department of justice will have subpoena power, which could devastate companies on their hit list.
A recent poll showed that approximately 80% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, so it makes sense that the president would introduce more bureaucracy to the government. Creating agencies that could potentially hurt those opposing his myopic policies. So, if the Biden administration is determined to turn America into a modern day Oceania, what ministries are next? Perhaps he’ll adopt to create a Ministry of Plenty, which would be a board to convince starving Americans that they are overfed. How about the Ministry of Us and Them, which would be a ministry that gives illegal aliens more rights than actual citizens? Another ministry could be the Ministry of Identity Politics, which would make reality illegal. Finally, the Ministry of Excuses would definitely be a finalist as a Biden creation since this administration has more excuses for its ineptitude than Bill Clinton had for his time spent with Monica Lewinsky.
Actually if any new bureaucratic offices are to be created, the country would benefit from a Ministry of Economic Realities, which the democratic politicians desperately need since they don’t seem to understand the most basic economic concepts that are taught in junior high school economics classes. AOC, Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren would definitely benefit from taking a simplified economic course that explains the basics of supply and demand and how monetary policy impacts inflation, but I seriously doubt they would pass these classes.
The most ardent Biden supporter (if any are left) must realize that the policies of this administration are devastating to Americans. Build Back Better is a bad practical joke that has been imposed upon the American people, and anyone who can’t see this fact needs to remove their rose colored glasses. A bad economy can’t identify as a prosperous one, nor can a bear market identify as a bull. The failure of woke progressives to see reality has forced the awakening of the average American who is saying no to a woke philosophy that has caused so much pain and suffering for anyone with the exception of those entering the country illegally or those demanding that everyone accept their delusional thinking.. The answer to curing the woes of the country is not a board of censors who will stifle criticism of the things that demand to be criticized. If anything, criticism, debate and in their face reality is what is necessary to expose the Build Back Bumbler who currently inhabits the oval office.
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