The Buffalo shooting and the ‘Browning of America’: Bo Snerdley breaks it down with Elise Stefanik

Embattled Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY) joined talk radio legend James Golden, a.k.a Bo Snerdley Wednesday to discuss the Biden administration’s failure to handle the baby formula crisis, the “obscene” assaults on her character from mainstream media, and the Republicans’ shot at a Red wave come November.

Golden began the interview by calling himself a “huge fan” of Stefanik’s and praising her for the work she has done to raise money and recruit Republican candidates for leadership positions.


“It is remarkable, the work that you have done,” Golden said.

“Oh, thanks Bo,” Stefanik responded. “I’m so proud of our incredible House Republican members of Congress, and this last election cycle, we had the most diverse class ever elected. That included a historic number of women, that included Hispanic Americans, black Americans, who were proud Republican candidates.”

“And what’s exciting, Bo, is, going into the midterms, we’re gonna even have a stronger class of candidates for this historic election coming up in November,” she added.

When asked how she thinks the GOP will do in the midterms, Stefanik was pragmatic.

“Well, certainly, I always take nothing for granted,” she replied. “My constituents will tell you that. We run hard on my record of results in my district, and we encourage all candidates and my incumbent colleagues to do that. But the fact of the matter is, is that we are going to see a Red wave,I believe, and Democrats know that. They are running for the hills. That’s why you see such a high number of Democrat House members retiring.”

“If you look at the outcomes [Tuesday] night, we saw historic Republican primary turnout across the board,” she said,  adding that North Carolina had its “highest turnout ever.”

“I think we’re going to have a great, great opportunity to win back the House, to flip the Senate, to save this country,” Stefanik said. “Because look, Joe Biden’s policies are failing. We are seeing historic inflation — the highest in my lifetime, [and] gas prices that make records every single day with how high they are. We’re seeing a border crisis, a national security crisis. You know, the list goes on and on of all these failures of far-left government.”

The conversation then turned to the baby food crisis.

“Who could ever believe that in the United States of America, American parents would have to scrounge — travel for hours — to try and find baby formula for their children, while, yet, in facilities that house illegal immigrants — those facilities are stocked to the brim?” Golden asked. “Who would believe this is possible?”

Stefanik agreed and called it “unacceptable.”

“That certainly sounds like a third-world country, and we know, as Americans, it’s unacceptable,” she replied. “I was proud to lead the effort, speaking out against Joe Biden and the fact that they have mishandled and actually tried to brush this crisis under the rug.”

“And you want to know why I care so much about it?” she asked. “Not only because I’m hearing directly from constituents, but, I’m a new mom!”

Stefanik shared that her nine-month-old is “formula-fed,” and she had started noticing that the shelves were becoming “more and more bare.”‘

She noted that she had reached out to the FDA following the February closure of the Sturgis, Michigan, baby formula plant and inquired about the measures in place to ensure safety and supply would not be endangered.

“We got no response until just last week,” she said. “So think about how incompetent Joe Biden’s FDA is.”

The New York representative noted that the efforts she led of House Republicans to blast the administration for its handling of the crisis were effective.

“Joe Biden, the President of the United States, had to scramble — change his schedule that day and get on the phone with the formula manufacturers,” she said. “They should have done that months ago, and we are working and making sure that we will have a bill that I will be proud to lead to make sure that we are addressing all of the mishandling from the FDA so this never happens again.”

Golden then addressed the “obscene, outrageous” attacks by mainstream media on Stefanik’s character, specifically, and the attack on GOP leadership from Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) who claimed the horrific shooting of Buffalo shoppers was somehow the fault of conservative talking points surrounding “White Replacement Theory” — a view, as  Snerdley noted, that has long been discussed by Democrats.

“Democrats, for the last two decades… have been talking about quote-unquote, ‘the Browning of America,'” Golden said. “They have been gleefully, gleefully, saying that the demographics in the country are changing, that whites are going to be in the minority, and yet, in the aftermath of this horrific incident, they choose to come in and attack you?”

“I didn’t understand it,” Golden stated. “I don’t understand it, and I think these people — of course, they owe you an apology, which you will never get, but I don’t understand the mean-spirited viciousness of these people, coming after you with such BS.”

Stefanik said that everyone in America mourns for the “act of pure evil that was committed and the horrific loss of life,” but maintained that she had never said anything racist or had anything to do with the shooting in Buffalo.

“And the fact that the mainstream media is trying to connect my support for securing the border and my opposition to allowing illegal immigrants to vote as somehow related to the mass shooting — it is dangerous, it is disgusting, and it is just not true, and the American people can see through it,” she added.

“What is most outrageous is Democrats themselves,” she said. “It’s left-leaning groups, groups affiliated with the Democratic Party — they have been making the case that ‘demographics are destiny,’ which is why they want mass amnesty.”

Stefanik quoted the Center for American Progress, which stated in 2013: “Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”

“So they’re actually saying that one of the reasons they want to pursue mass amnesty is for electoral and political purposes,” Stefanik said, noting that New York City is already allowing illegal immigrants to vote in municipal elections.

“There’s nothing racist about wanting a secure border,” she stated. “In fact, people of all backgrounds agree with that position. There’s nothing racist about saying that, ‘I oppose amnesty.’ People of all backgrounds — the vast majority of Americans — agree with that position.”

“It’s been shameful,” she said, “but the American people are smart. They can see through it. But it is outrageous and just untrue.”

Stefanik said the reason for the attacks on her from the media is “because they can’t win on the issues.”

“They are smearing and pursuing character assassinations — let alone how shameful it is that they are politicizing this horrific tragedy at a time of mourning and trying to unite the country, they are doing the exact opposite,” she stated. “It’s no wonder that this level of desperation — they are so far underwater on every issue, including immigration. Joe Biden is negative 25 when it comes to his approval rating on immigration, so they see that their policies are out of touch, so they will do anything, and that includes smearing others.”

“I will tell you, my constituents — they are outraged at this media assault,” she continued. “They are outraged at these lies. And voters of all political parties are going to be energized to vote this November to save this country from this far-Left destruction we’ve seen across the board.”

Editor’s Note: AW is proud to partner with Bo Snerdley to provide concerned patriots with the most important news stories of the day in a twice per day email called the Daily BS. If you would like to sign up to get Bo’s stack of stories each day, you can sign up here for FREE. 

Melissa Fine


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