Trans person’s story about encounter with a toddler in Cheesecake Factory women’s room sparks viral fury

A so-called “transgender woman” has sparked outrage over an incident that occurred at a women’s restroom in a Cheesecake Factory restaurant.

After the incident occurred, the transgender individual posted a video to TikTok describing exactly what happened.


“I was just in the women’s room at a Cheesecake Factory, and when I walked in there, there was this little girl, like three years old tops,” he said. “She was standing there alone, I assumed waiting for her parent who was in the stall, and all the stalls were full.”

“So like, I couldn’t go in. I had to wait, and it was me and this little girl and no one else. And she kinda looked at me like, and you know, I just like nod my head and didn’t look at her. I was like, you know, it’s kinda awkward,” he added.

That’s when it occurred to him that if the child’s parent were to see him in there waiting alongside their daughter, they might freak out.

“It occurred to me that when the parent, who I don’t know, leaves the stall, exits their stall, and sees me, a trans person, and their little 3-year-old daughter, that they might make an assumption based on untrue things that they’ve heard — an assumption that could be very dangerous for me, unsafe for me,” the guy explained.

“So instead of waiting for that to potentially happen, I left the bathroom and decided I didn’t need to pee that bad. Trans people go through this thought process anytime they’re in a bathroom, and it’s not okay. And it’s important to talk about because it happens all the time,” he added.

His video sparked a massive backlash from everyday, normal Americans who felt as if he shouldn’t have ever entered the women’s bathroom, period, especially given a little girl had been inside.

“I don’t feel awkward around little 3 year old girls in women’s toilets,” one woman wrote. “Because I’m a woman and it’s perfectly normal for us both to be in there together. He felt awkward and left because he knows the situation looks very bad for him because he most definitely does not belong in a women’s bathroom alone with a little 3 year old girl, for very obvious reasons.”

“You know what else happens all the time? Normal women taking measure of their surroundings and leaving a potentially dangerous situation; even if they have to pee,” another woman wrote. “Normal women and girls feeling afraid and anxious because they are confronted with a male dressed up as a female.”

See more responses below (*Language warning):

All this comes as President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday eliminating trans ideology from public schools.

The EO bans public schools that benefit from federal funding from allowing children to identify with whatever name, gender, and pronouns they feel like being that particular day.

The executive order also stops students from using the bathroom and playing on the sports team of the opposite gender.

“The order specifically calls out social transitioning of transgender students in public schools,” according to The Advocate, a pro-gay website.

“Social transitioning may include things like coming out as trans or nonbinary, going by a different name, dressing in a way that aligns better with a person’s gender identity, using a different type of voice, and using pronouns that better reflect a person’s identity,” the reporting continues.

Vivek Saxena


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